


How to change repository in relocated redmine project?

Added by Frank Church over 14 years ago

I tried to move a redmine installation to a different server, thinking that I could change the git repository location as well, but although I have transferred the database, the repository editing is disabled and I can't point it to the new location.

Are the repository settings kept in a file, or is there some way to modify the database records directly?

Replies (2)

RE: How to change repository in relocated redmine project? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Delete and add it anew, you shouldn't lose any data (i.e. linked revisions will be regenerated).

RE: How to change repository in relocated redmine project? - Added by Anton Wiedermann almost 10 years ago

When deleting repositories for relocation make sure that you do not have any manually created links between changes and issues (were not available at the time of this question but are now) or links which were created by another than current pattern (we moved from #xyz to rm #xyz to reduce false links). You will lose link data with delete-recreate instead of relocate.

Best that can be done is direct update in redmine database

UPDATE repositories SET url='newurl', root_url='newurlroot' WHERE url='oldurl';
