No traceability with svn externals
Added by rafael mascayano over 14 years ago
I have the follow svn layout:
project1 |-branches |-tags |-trunk |- other project files |- src |- PRO-C |- BD |- WEB |- WEBAPP1 --> external_system1_branch |- WEBAPP2 --> external_system2_branch
system1 |- branches |- project1_branch |- tags |- trunk
system2 |- branches |- project1_branch |- tags |- trunk
My problem is that I lost traceability with externals repositories (marks in associeted revision), and it isn't possible to browse in repository.
Is it any chance to achieve that?
Replies (2)
RE: No traceability with svn externals
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Not sure what externals are, can you elaborate in 1-2 sentences?
RE: No traceability with svn externals
Added by Thomas Capricelli over 14 years ago
externals is a feature of svn to add metadata inside a repository, telling that some subdirectory is actually from another repository.