Wiki image width control
Added by Michael Aye about 14 years ago
The width control for images, advertised on the Wiki formatting page:
sets the width of the image
does not seem to work for me (running 1.0.4 here)
Could someone try it out and confirm?
Best regards,
Replies (8)
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Michael Aye about 14 years ago
So nobody uses the width keyword??
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
What wiki formatting page are you referring to, couldn't find it through the direct help (top right of wiki text fields)?
Anyway, I'd be surprised if it worked as CSS styles for textile have been deactivated in 0.7 (or around there) because it's a security risk.
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Michael Aye about 14 years ago
I meant this:
But then we should take it out of the Redmine guide, no?
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Michael Aye about 14 years ago
So, putting this
#content .wiki img { max-width: 98%; }
in application.css will also not work? (I can't test it, have to ask the admin to put it)
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
Michael Aye wrote:
So, putting this
in application.css will also not work? (I can't test it, have to ask the admin to put it)
That would work as it's part of the css, putting custom styles in the wiki markup are ignored.
I think there was a plugin somewhere either reverting that behavior, or even making it optionally available for certain roles, I don't have it at hand though, so I'll let you search for it.
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Olivier Houdas over 5 years ago
For those finding this post in Google when trying to resize an image in Redmine,
does work on Redmine 3.x (tried on 3.4.6)
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Martin Meier almost 4 years ago
Olivier LUTZ, thanks. Also working on 4.1.
RE: Wiki image width control
Added by Olivier Houdas almost 4 years ago
At the bottom of the Wiki syntax quick reference page, you have a "More information" link, which takes you to a page with more examples.