mysql adapter in database.yml
Added by Valentin Bud almost 13 years ago
Hello Community,
I am new around here, new around Ruby also for that matter. Today I have installed for the first time Redmine.
I have had some troubles. It might be a bug, or it might as well not.
My environment is consisted of FreeBSD with RVM, ruby 1.9.3, and a dedicated user redmine for installation. I have followed RedmineInstall and everything went smooth until I had to run
> RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
The above thrown the following error:
rake aborted! Please install the mysql adapter: `gem install activerecord-mysql-adapter` (mysql is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.) Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment (See full trace by running task with --trace)
As you might already know there is no activerecord-mysql-adapter gem available around. Digging around the Internet I have found a post on stackoverflow talking about this. The solution they gave was to change adapter:
from database.yml
from mysql
to mysql2
. Doing that resolved my problem.
Why do I think it's a bug or just a typo in the config file? In Gemfile configuration for bundle is clearly specified that for ruby mri_19 (which is my case) mysql2
gem should be installed. I think it would be better to change, or at least specify in database.yml
that for ruby mri_1.9 you should use mysql2
for adapter:
Thinking again this might not be possible, because, as I've seen so far, there are quite a few ruby variations out there, jruby, mri, macruby, etc., each of which uses different database connectors.
Although I do think that a comment in the database.yml
config file could help newcomers.
Cheers and Goodwill, |e
Replies (1)
RE: mysql adapter in database.yml
Added by Valentin Bud almost 13 years ago
Hello again,
Yes it is there on RedmineInstall
Example for a MySQL database using ruby1.9 (adapter must be set to mysql2):
Can somebody delete the post? Sorry for the noise.
Cheers and Goodwill, |e