How to plan with Redmine
Added by Hung Nguyen Vu over 12 years ago
Hi all,
I've been using Redmine for scheduling, defining activities, creating work breakdown structures.
They are really straightforward and quite easy.
Stefan Hållén has mentioned two interesting usages of Redmine that I really need.
- Budget planing: Possible to do budgeting and in-voice reports if we want to.
- Human resource planning: Possible to do resource (people) planning / scheduling if we want to.
Can anyone please share your ideas on how to do that with Redmine?
Replies (3)
RE: How to plan with Redmine
Added by # And over 12 years ago
Hi, Vu Hung Nguyen!
I schedule human resourses (decides on time and priorities) by the query and several plugins to extend the query system (extended dates, query categorizing, for ex.). It not really convenient, but acceptable for the my work.
Budget planning is more complicated task with vanilla redmine. =) I think it is can be solved by adding several additional fields like rate, hours, etc.
Thats my thoughts. Do you?
RE: How to plan with Redmine
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 12 years ago
Hung Nguyen Vu wrote:
Stefan Hållén has mentioned two interesting usages of Redmine that I really need.
- Budget planing: Possible to do budgeting and in-voice reports if we want to.
- Human resource planning: Possible to do resource (people) planning / scheduling if we want to.
At my company we don't need this yet, but it'll sure be needed in a few months.
RE: How to plan with Redmine
Added by # And over 12 years ago
J N wrote:
Hung Nguyen Vu wrote:
Stefan Hållén has mentioned two interesting usages of Redmine that I really need.
- Budget planing: Possible to do budgeting and in-voice reports if we want to.
- Human resource planning: Possible to do resource (people) planning / scheduling if we want to.
At my company we don't need this yet, but it'll sure be needed in a few months.
So, you have a lot time to planning and integrating this features. =)