Redmine Ticket system
Added by Markus Hebel over 8 years ago
we plan to install a ticket system in our company and we find Redmine and ORTS.
Our plan is to generate a E-Mail Pool for our three departments.
Three groups
1. sales department
2. marine department
3. serivce-department
1. The Customers send us a Mail to one of the three departments
2. The Mail will generate automatically a new Ticket and send to the customer automatically confirmation of the order
3. Our colleague will be look into the system and take the ticket
4. If he finished his ticket he will closed it and change the status
If also must be possible to give back a tickte, when the colleague is ill or in meeting
Is this possible with Redmine?
Where i can find a good manual of Redmine in german?
Replies (1)
RE: Redmine Ticket system
Added by Roland M over 8 years ago
i´m also looking for a ticket system, in best case integrated in our joomla homepage.
At the moment i try the Redmine Receiving Emails functionality with succes.
Tickets can be inserted in 2 cases:
1. email can be inserted "cron -> accept" as anonymous user. in this case, its not possible to interact with the user.
2. email cen be inserted "cron -> create" a new user (no creation mails) & the ticket is created.
interaction with user is possible but only information about ticket changes. user is able to anser to the mail and it runs in the same ticket.
not so fine, that future signaurtes will be included. and also the fact, the the user gets all ticket changes.
Currently i try to handle support ticket via a separate mail address for example:
Now i get an email and write as ever emails with the client.
When i have all informations per mail i forward the complete mail to where the cronjobs creates my tickets. Then i have a new ticket with all required informations.
I think i can also update this by the same way.
A better solution with core features i haven´t found.
There is a helpdesk plugin for 299$ available:
but i´m not sure, that this is exactly what i search and only for testing i won´t buy.
If there are new ideas, plugins or German documentation this would be create.