Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Sugeng Widodo about 15 years ago
My environment :
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.5
Rails version 2.1.2
Active Record version 2.1.2
Action Pack version 2.1.2
Active Resource version 2.1.2
Action Mailer version 2.1.2
Active Support version 2.1.2
Application root /var/www/redmine
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 101
email notification working well on issues but not with news and forum message. how this could happend ? The notification settings already all checked.
Replies (22)
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Gat Lerebourg about 15 years ago
I'm working on this problem since few days.
I found out that the field which decide to send the mail or not is always fill by 0.
The field i'm talking is in "members" table and the field is 'mail_notification'.
So, i solved the problem by updating this field by 1 for all rows.
But, i'll be pleased to know how to manage this field in admin area :) !
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Gat Lerebourg about 15 years ago
Hi again,
Just to say that these updates might not be very good ...
In fact, now, for all issues modifications, every users of the project receive a mail, not only the one who is of charge of the issue ...
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Gat Lerebourg about 15 years ago
Gat Lerebourg wrote:
I'm working on this problem since few days.
I found out that the field which decide to send the mail or not is always fill by 0.
The field i'm talking is in "members" table and the field is 'mail_notification'.
So, i solved the problem by updating this field by 1 for all rows.
But, i'll be pleased to know how to manage this field in admin area :) !
Ok. I found out that this option can be congured in each account configuration "Mon compte" - "Notification par email".
So, every one can do what he wants.
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Jon Ewing about 15 years ago
A slight extension of this matter:
Is there a way to "_override_" the user email setting for certain notifications - particularly for News? I find that the "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" doesn't consider the user as involved in project News, which is not the perspective of managers. <j>
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Patrick Fratczak about 15 years ago
Yes ... i have the same problem ...
News have to be sent even if the user has changed preferences from his personnal panel !
How to change this ! Because it doesn't work, my users don't use it now !
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Dmitry Pupinin over 14 years ago
I'm newbe in Ruby but there is a solution:
Redmine version - 0.9.5
/apps/models/mailer.rb line 143
def news_added(news) redmine_headers 'Project' => news.project.identifier message_id news recipients news.recipients subject "[#{}] #{l(:label_news)}: #{news.title}" body :news => news, :news_url => url_for(:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news) render_multipart('news_added', body) end
replace line
recipients news.recipients
recipients news.project.members.collect {|m| m.user}.collect {|u| u.mail}
and mail will send to all members of project
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Bruno Medeiros over 14 years ago
Looks like this is being tracked as an issue here: #2549.
There's a Dmitry's similar solution there.
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Steven Wong over 13 years ago
Can anyone develop a plugin to send notification when the news updated?
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Dmitry Pupinin over 13 years ago
Steven Wong wrote:
Can anyone develop a plugin to send notification when the news updated?
Hi Steven!
My message above (2 posts before your) include a patch which allow what you want. Or maybe you want send exactly when news UPDATED?
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Steven Wong over 13 years ago
Hi, Dmitry Pupinin
Nice.I tried and it seems work well. Thanks.
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Frank Schwarz about 13 years ago
Dmitry Pupinin wrote:
replace line
recipients news.recipients
recipients news.project.members.collect {|m| m.user}.collect {|u| u.mail}
and mail will send to all members of project
Many thanks for this hint. Actually, there is no need to change the sources. Just save the following snippet as redmine/config/initializers/mailer_send_news_notifications_to_all_members.rb
module MailerSendNewsNotificationsToAllMembers def self.included(base) base.class_eval { include InstanceMethods alias_method_chain :news_added, :all_recipients } end module InstanceMethods def news_added_with_all_recipients(news) news_added_without_all_recipients(news) recipients news.project.members.collect {|m| m.user}.collect {|u| u.mail} end end end Mailer.send(:include, MailerSendNewsNotificationsToAllMembers)
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
Many thanks for this hint. Actually, there is no need to change the sources. Just save the following snippet as redmine/config/initializers/mailer_send_news_notifications_to_all_members.rb
I do not understand why system will start use this snippet ? is it require some settings adjustment...
I've tried to create this file and restart redmine but nothing happend, emails still not sent out.
Could you help me ?
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Charlie Kane about 13 years ago
What type of system are you using? Linux? Windows? If you follow the above script and you're using a Linux-based machine, you shouldn't have a problem. Sheetrock Prices
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
I have Ubuntu. I just put code above into this newly created file
and nothing did more (except restart apache, because my redmine works under apache via the Passenger)
btw, issue email notifications works well
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Frank Schwarz about 13 years ago
The file must be placed into directory config/initializers
. It is picked up from there by convention. Not further configuration is required.
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
Yes i did that. I put it into that folder as mentioned in message above. How I can debug or make sure that this piece of code is running, after I added new News ?
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
Except this file I have couple files into the same folder..
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by Frank Schwarz about 13 years ago
The author of the news item is excluded from the recipients list. This is also true for this patch. You should play with two accounts to verify if it is working.
You could add below the line "news_added_without_all_recipients(news)" this log statement to see if the patch is active at least: "I was here"
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
Actually I had play this two accounts from beginning. Now i add the "log info" line into file where you said, and nothing happens again.
In logs i could see only next info
Processing NewsController#index (for IP at 2012-03-23 09:48:04) [GET] Parameters: {"project_id"=>"ttt", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"news"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering news/index Completed in 75ms (View: 55, DB: 5) | 200 OK [http://domain/projects/ttt/news] Processing NewsController#create (for IP at 2012-03-23 09:48:17) [POST] Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create", "project_id"=>"ttt", "action"=>"create", "authenticity_token"=>"token_here, "controller"=>"news", "news"=>{"title"=>"test 2", "description"=>"test desc 2", "summary"=>"test summ 2"}} Redirected to http://domain/projects/ttt/news Completed in 31ms (DB: 13) | 302 Found [http://domain/projects/ttt/news] Processing NewsController#index (for IP at 2012-03-23 09:48:17) [GET] Parameters: {"project_id"=>"ttt", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"news"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering news/index Completed in 218ms (View: 198, DB: 3) | 200 OK [http://domain/projects/ttt/news]
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
Is is from production.log
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by xtu tut about 13 years ago
seems to me I have redmine version is: 2011-05-30 v1.2.0 (took from changelog)
RE: Email Notification not send on adding news and adding message forum
Added by pham tuan over 11 years ago
Please help me.
Thank for your support.