Upgrade error: 'a key is required to write a cookie containg the session data'
Added by David B about 15 years ago
Trying to upgrade 0.8.7 to 0.9.1. Following option 1 in the upgrade instructions on http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/RedmineUpgrade . When I get to 'rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production, server returns the following error:
[root@localhost redmine-0.9.1]# rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production (in /opt/redmine-0.9.1) rake aborted! A key is required to write a cookie containing the session data. Use config.action_controller.session = { :key => "_myapp_session", :secret => "some secret phrase" } in config/environment.rb (See full trace by running task with --trace) You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
Any ideas how to fix this? I produced the session_store.rb in the 0.8.7 installation. Do i need to do something with it?
Thanks for any help!
Replies (1)
RE: Upgrade error: 'a key is required to write a cookie containg the session data'
Added by Vincenzo Sorrentino about 15 years ago
execute before the script: rake config/initializers/session_store.rb