


Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap

Added by Everett Griffiths almost 15 years ago

I added the "Advanced Roadmap" plugin, but I'm not sure how this is intended to be used. I can see all the milestones I created under the newly created "Roadmap" tab, but I can't seem to group issues into milestones. Am I missing something?

I'd prefer to not set up myriad sub-projects, but one way or the other, I need to get issues grouped into sensible containers.

Any suggestions?

Replies (7)

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago

Really? Nobody? I don't know about anyone else, but when I sit down to start a project, one of the first things I do is start blocking out milestones and dates to get everyone's calendar in sync. The fact that I can't do this in RedMine means the software is severely limited... I can't use it for some clients because of this. Honestly... how is everyone else handling this? I can't be the only one scratching my head about this.

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Timothy High over 14 years ago

I've never tried the Advanced Roadmap plugin. We generally just use the standard "versions" feature, which includes a date, and to which issues can be assigned. What else do you need?

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Timothy High wrote:

I've never tried the Advanced Roadmap plugin. We generally just use the standard "versions" feature, which includes a date, and to which issues can be assigned. What else do you need?

Same here, I even edited the language file so that the versions are called milestones in the UI.

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago

Brilliant idea to change the language file. Can you tell me where the language file is? And can you confirm which definitions I need to change?

I tried editing the /config/locales/en.yml file, but that didn't seem to have any effect. Is that the right place? Do I have to clear out the cache afterwards?

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

That's the right file already, but you need to restart your red mine server for the changes to be picked up. I basically just searched for version and changed all occurrences that "sounded" right. One caveat though: wiki versions use the same string, so you'll end up with wiki milestones, but I can live with that.

RE: Use of Milestones with Advanced Roadmap - Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago

Thanks! All restarted and good now. I'd forgotten about that touch file.

Yeah, I read that thread in its entirety, which is why I wanted to have both versions and milestones, but I'm happy with having just Versions now that I've renamed them to MIlestones.
