


trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue.

Added by R Daneel Olivaw almost 15 years ago


I'm using trac 0.11.6. I'm testing redmine 0.9.4. I'm testing to migrate from trac to redmine by using the document [1]. All looks well done excepted in wiki pages containing characters with accents. wiki pages without accent is migrated like a charm. pages with accents are migrated until the first character with an accent.


Replies (9)

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Not sure what other encodings the DB could have, but try ISO-8859-15 instead of UTF-8.

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by R Daneel Olivaw almost 15 years ago

More details. Here what i get for instance :

Les <a href="/redmine/projects/foo/wiki/ConfigurationsMat" class="wiki-page new">ConfigurationsMat</a>érielles spécifiques.

What is normal to get :

Les <a href="/redmine/projects/foo/wiki/ConfigurationsMat%C3%A9rielles"class="wiki-page">ConfigurationsMatérielles</a> spécifiques.

The page /redmine/projects/foo/wiki/ConfigurationsMat%C3%A9rielles is really created by the migration tool. But, the migration tools didn't built the link as expected in the mother page.

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

I don't know how good your knowledge of regexes is, but I think the problem is there: source:trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake#L304. The regex matching CamelCased links only matches A-Z and a-z, try adding the characters you think should be included in there.

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by R Daneel Olivaw almost 15 years ago

You was right !
I added éèçàîïù in line 304 and 307, all is well migrated.

Is it necessary to create a new bug report ?

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by Mike Stupalov over 14 years ago

Please look issue #5035.

Also try to use the version changed by me migrate_from_trac.rake here:

RE: trac 2 redmine, wiki migration issue. - Added by Mike Stupalov over 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

I don't know how good your knowledge of regexes is, but I think the problem is there: source:trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake#L304. The regex matching CamelCased links only matches A-Z and a-z, try adding the characters you think should be included in there.

Though the problem of national symbols for CamelCase references there is not solved :)
But to bring for different languages their symbols - not the decision
