404 on "New project"
Added by Han Dijk over 14 years ago
I'm using redmine trunk, and with the last update i did, 0.9 > 1.0.3 i get a 404 error when i try to create a project, the url is /projects/add.
I added a screenshot showing the 404
Ruby version 1.8.6 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.5
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.5
Active Record version 2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version 2.3.5
Active Support version 2.3.5
Application root /var/www/railsapp
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20100819172912
About your Redmine plugins
Timesheet Plugin 0.6.0
Invoice plugin 0.0.1
Customer plugin 0.2.0
redmine-fout.jpg (72.6 KB) redmine-fout.jpg |
Replies (10)
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Holger Just over 14 years ago
The correct URL is http://your.redmine/projects/new
. Where did you see the link to /projects/add
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Han Dijk over 14 years ago
On the projects page, "http://my.redmine/projects"
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Holger Just over 14 years ago
A basic Redmine 1.0.3 links to /projects/new
there. I see no add action in the code whatsoever.
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Han Dijk over 14 years ago
no matter what template i use the link goes to /add, really strange, could it be something defined by a plugin?
/projects/new shows me the right page btw
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by M L over 14 years ago
Check that the following line in your ./app/views/projects/index.rhtml is correct:
<%= link_to(l(:label_project_new), {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'new'}, :class => 'icon icon-add') + ' |' if User.current.allowed_to?(:add_project, nil, :global => true) %>
I guess that you have a ":action => 'add'}" instead of a "new" in there.
Best regards
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Han Dijk over 14 years ago
It's correct, and more amazing, the page is now showing the right link...
can't understand how, i flushed the cache when i updated, deleted browser cache, it kept linking to /add
but now it's allright, thanks for the help anyway!
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Konstantin Solovyov over 14 years ago
I have this 404 error on url's /projects/add and /projects/activity
File ./app/views/projects/index.rhtml is correct.
Redmine 1.0.3 new install
Ubuntu 10.10 server
Redmine Close Button plugin 0.0.1
Redmine Issue Notification plugin 0.0.1
Redmine Logs plugin 0.0.1
Redmine Project filtering plugin 0.9
Redmine Theme Changer plugin 0.0.1
Redmine Time Tracker plugin 0.3
Redmine Todo Lists plugin0.0.4.1
Redmine Wiki Extensions plugin0.2.3
Please help me to fix this bug.
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by Holger Just over 14 years ago
At least the Project filtering plugin overwrites the view and is thus not fully compatible with Redmine 1.0.3. Please file a bug report to the plugin author.
RE: 404 on "New project"
Added by kos tas over 13 years ago
Problem solution:
make sure the server is down
edit the next files
vendor/plugins/projects_tree_view/app/views/admin/projects.rhtml line 2
vendor/plugins/projects_tree_view/app/views/projects/index.rhtml line 3
vendor/plugins/projects_tree_view/app/views/projects/show.rhtml line 3
and replace ":action => 'add'," with ":action => 'new',"
Then run the next command to update plugins:
sudo rake db:migrate:plugins RAILS_ENV=production
Then restart server:
sudo ruby script/server webrick -e production