


Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin

Added by Priyanka Suduge about 14 years ago

Is there any Plugin in Redmine for helpdesk/ticket system?
Has anyone used any third party software to do so ?
Hope to hear.

Replies (12)

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Stefan H Singer about 14 years ago

What do you mean? What are you lacking from redmine to do this?

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by O G about 14 years ago

I don't know if the o.p. has the same use-case as me, but have a look at this: (using Redmine for Customer Support).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 13 years ago

I have just released new commercial plugin with helpdesk functionality:

  • Receive mail from customers
  • Auto creating contacts from email senders
  • Attach issues to created contacts from mail
  • Send notification to contact that his issue received and processing
  • Find existing contacts by mail and attach messages to
  • Send answer from redmine to contact email

Redmine CRM pro plugin should be installed

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Greg Lewsza about 6 years ago


For all of you searching for a Redmine Helpdesk ticket plugin, I wanted to post an update that we at RedmineUP (formerly RedmineCRM) just released a Helpdesk 4, compatible with Redmine up to 4. link:

Among new features, not mentioned by Kirill are:
- Email automation workflow (for example for specific words in a subject/message, certain emails or domains)
- Reply templates
- Public ticket access link for a client
- Helpdesk SLA reports (average first response time, # of replies to close the ticket, and ticket closing time)
- Widget and REST API
- Automatically close resolved tickets
- Satisfaction Ratings
- E-mail dropbox - send/forward an email with attachments to a special email to include a message with an attachment to specific Redmine Issue
- Reply/Update tickets from e-mail (updates info in Redmine and sends a message to the client)

With an additional plugin — Redmine Reporter — it's further possible to generate a report from the Support Tickets for your clients. So you don't need to give them access to the instance and can export Report, based on data from Redmine ticket(s). Based on a recent request for such reports examples, here are some examples:
- progress report, with client's/support team comments, hiding internal notes from developers
- report with billable hours/calculated sum
- calculate internal/billable rates or internal/external spent time
- prepare payroll for your support team
- pro-forma invoice from a resolved support request

Using both plugins you will be able to provide a complex solution to manage your customer support. With a Redmine 4 individual email notifications and Helpdesk plugin alone, you will be able to provide effective customer service.


RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by George Chester almost 4 years ago

Hey guys, to anyone wanting to use RedmineUP, you might want to reconsider. I've been a paid client for year and their support is quite lacking.

Take a look at their review and see just how many of the account do not exist anymore or only have 1 or 2 post.

Their support is quite horrible.

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti almost 4 years ago

George Chester wrote:

Hey guys, to anyone wanting to use RedmineUP, you might want to reconsider. I've been a paid client for year and their support is quite lacking.

Take a look at their review and see just how many of the account do not exist anymore or only have 1 or 2 post.

Their support is quite horrible.

Hi, uunfortunately I agree. It may be that we were unlucky but my experience was not exiting.

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Dimitar RedmineUP almost 4 years ago

Dear George,

This is Dimitar from RedmineUP Support.

Thanks for the reply and feedback.

“Take a look at their review and see just how many of the account do not exist anymore or only have 1 or 2 post.”

May I ask you to specify more on this point? Please note that you could check the detailed update logs of the Helpdesk plugin(which include bug fixes, newly added features, etc) here:

And also, you could check the “What’s new” section of the plugin which introduces the newly added feature with pictures of the latest versions:

If any other questions or problems arise, please feel free to contact us at . Thanks.

George Chester wrote:

Hey guys, to anyone wanting to use RedmineUP, you might want to reconsider. I've been a paid client for year and their support is quite lacking.

Take a look at their review and see just how many of the account do not exist anymore or only have 1 or 2 post.

Their support is quite horrible.

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Dimitar RedmineUP almost 4 years ago

Dear Lorenzo,

This is Dimitar from RedmineUP Support.

I have just checked that there are 3 tickets in our system waiting for your feedback. It is possible that our answers didn't reach you. So, I have just resent them to be sure. Please check. The ticket ID references which are waiting for your feedback are 21170, 17972, 14114.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Lorenzo Meneghetti wrote:

George Chester wrote:

Hey guys, to anyone wanting to use RedmineUP, you might want to reconsider. I've been a paid client for year and their support is quite lacking.

Take a look at their review and see just how many of the account do not exist anymore or only have 1 or 2 post.

Their support is quite horrible.

Hi, uunfortunately I agree. It may be that we were unlucky but my experience was not exiting.

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by George Chester over 3 years ago

I receive email every day and just to make sure I just turned in a support ticket at our host.

Maybe this would be a good reason to have a Support Ticket Page where people could avoid the problems of emails deliverability.

Seems logical...

1988 called and they want their email back... ;)

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by George Chester over 3 years ago


None of those are our ticket numbers,

Here is our latest to go unanswered; #28894

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by Dimitar (RedmineUP) over 3 years ago

Dear George,

Thanks for the reply and feedback.

I receive email every day and just to make sure I just turned in a support ticket at our host.

Maybe this would be a good reason to have a Support Ticket Page where people could avoid the problems of emails deliverability.

Seems logical...

Actually, we have a Q&A section of our site indeed. :) Please check it here:

None of those are our ticket numbers,

The mentioned ticket numbers were related to the other client's comment (Lorenzo Meneghetti).

Here is our latest to go unanswered; #28894

I have just sent one more reply (with a quote from my previous reply) in case it is not received. Please check.

We look forward to hearing from you.

RE: Support Tickets / Helpdesk pulgin - Added by George Chester over 3 years ago

Just to let everyone know we never got a response from these guys.

Dimetri might be trying to show to the public he is responsive but after trying to solve a bug for 2 months, we finally figured it out on our own.

Support is horrible.
