


Redmine for Customer Service Support

Added by O G about 14 years ago


I'd like to use Redmine for Customer Support (instead of paying for Zendesk or Tender Support or some such).
I searched for Plugins that might already handle this, but found none. :(

The problem is that my approach (described below) requires all projects to be private in order for customer X not to be able to see customer Y's project and so that neither customer X or Y can see our company's internal projects.

But by making all projects private our own people have limited visibility into our own projects. Ideally, our own people would be able to see all our internal projects. But with this setup described below, I think that's not possible:

I thought I could do something along the lines of:
  • Create per-customer project
  • Create custom "customer" role with appropriate permissions
  • In each project create customer accounts with customer role
At this point the customer could log into Redmine and do things like:
  • view/open/watch/edit/close their issues
  • see time spent

Is there a better system?
It almost feels like I would need to have 2 Redmine instances - one for all customers with all private projects, and another one for all internal projects. I'd like to avoid that and so I'm wondering if there is a better way to use Redmine for Customer Service.


Replies (5)

RE: Redmine for Customer Service Support - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

You could create a group of the people that should have access to all projects and give that group "reporter" permissions on all projects. Then whenever you add or remove someone from that group it will add or remove them from all the projects as well.

RE: Redmine for Customer Service Support - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 13 years ago

I have just released new commercial plugin with helpdesk functionality:

  • Receive mail from customers
  • Auto creating contacts from email senders
  • Attach issues to created contacts from mail
  • Send notification to contact that his issue received and processing
  • Find existing contacts by mail and attach messages to
  • Send answer from redmine to contact email

Redmine CRM pro plugin should be installed

RE: Redmine for Customer Service Support - Added by Zoltan Beck over 12 years ago

Adam DeJardine wrote:

You could create a group of the people that should have access to all projects and give that group "reporter" permissions on all projects. Then whenever you add or remove someone from that group it will add or remove them from all the projects as well.

Is there an available helpdesk version for redmine 2.x? Or will be released in the near future?

RE: Redmine for Customer Service Support - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 12 years ago

Yes, it will be released in near future. Hope, beta will be available this week

RE: Redmine for Customer Service Support - Added by Greg Lewsza about 6 years ago


For all of you searching for a Redmine plugin for Customer Service and Support, I wanted to post an update that we at RedmineUP (formerly RedmineCRM) just released a Helpdesk 4, compatible with Redmine up to 4.0.0. link:

Among features are:
- Email automation workflow (for example for specific words in a subject/message, certain emails or domains)
- Reply templates
- Public ticket access link for a client
- Helpdesk SLA reports (average first response time, # of replies to close the ticket, and ticket closing time)
- Widget and REST API
- Automatically close resolved tickets
- Satisfaction Ratings
- E-mail dropbox - send/forward an email with attachments to a special email to include a message with an attachment to specific Redmine Issue

With an additional plugin — Redmine Reporter — it's further possible to generate a report from the Support Tickets for your clients. So you don't need to give them access to the instance and can export Report, based on data from Redmine ticket(s). Based on a recent request for such reports examples, here are some examples:
- progress report, with client's/support team comments, hiding internal notes from developers
- report with billable hours/calculated sum
- calculate internal/billable rates or internal/external spent time
- prepare payroll for your support team
- pro-forma invoice from a resolved support request

