bulk_edit is not working Redmine 1.1.2.stable
Added by Kim Eik over 13 years ago
bulk_edit is not working in Redmine 1.1.2.stable, is this a known issue?
it seems like the url path is wrong, for example if i right click on an issue and click edit, i am forwarded to the url /redmine/projects/<ProjectName>/139/edit
which gives me a "page not found" error
however if i go to the specific issue, and click update issue then in forwarded to the url /redmine/issues/139/edit
and also, none of the /redmine/projects/<ProjectName>/bulk_edit actions work, here i get a 404:
The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.
Some actions do however work fine. But not bulk_edit and edit links.
Some help please..
Replies (1)
RE: bulk_edit is not working Redmine 1.1.2.stable
Added by Mirko Geissler over 13 years ago
We face the same issue. The link path is not created correctly compared to bulk_edit calls in the Redmine demo. The "/issues/" prefix is missing on our installation and therefore leads to redmines error page. The log says that he does not know the action "bulk_edit".
Any idea why redmine does not prepend the "/issues/" path correctly?