Creating Custom Query that accepts a parameter - Is this possible ?
Added by Darryl Winder over 16 years ago
we are running: Redmine (PostgreSQL)
I've created a custom field for issue tickets which is basicly a WBS (work breakdown structure)number, the custom field is: text 0-3 characters with reg ex: [0-9]([\.][0-9])? ie n(.n)
i can create a custom query which searches all the tickets for a specific WBS easily enough. I don't want to have a separate custom query for each possible value of the WBS (there will be 30+), i would like to have a link from the project wiki to the relevant tickets for a given WBS with the link passing the WBS value to the custom query.
Is this possible in redmine? If so how ?
Replies (2)
RE: Creating Custom Query that accepts a parameter - Is this possible ?
Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
Not possible for now, but could be an interesting feature request.
RE: Creating Custom Query that accepts a parameter - Is this possible ?
Added by Jone Marius Vignes over 15 years ago
I've linked #3258 to this post.