Project Report with SQL Query
Added by Klaas Wüllner about 13 years ago
i use redmine since some months for a project because it matches most of my features.
But now i need your help. I want to creat a project report.
The report contains the ticket subject, description and status, but also the history of the ticket.
At first a sql query would help me.
# subject description status comment status_old status_new 1234 test test test test closed comment 1 new review comment 2 review closed 5678 test2 texttexttext review comment 1 comment 2 new review comment 3 comment 4
Or a solution like this
Thx for help
Replies (3)
RE: Project Report with SQL Query
Added by Klaas Wüllner about 13 years ago
i tried a little around and create a sql query
select i.subject, i.status_id,, j.notes , jd.*,, from ((((issues as i join journals as j on = j.journalized_id) join journal_details as jd on = jd.journal_id) join issue_statuses as s1 on jd.old_value = join issue_statuses as s2 on jd.value = join issue_statuses as s3 on i.status_id = where i.tracker_id=5 and jd.prop_key='status_id' union select i.subject, i.status_id,, j.notes , jd.*,jd.old_value,jd.value from ((issues as i join journals as j on = j.journalized_id) join journal_details as jd on = jd.journal_id) join issue_statuses as s3 on i.status_id = where i.tracker_id=5 and jd.prop_key='done_ratio' order by subject ASC
The query uses only status and done ratio at the moment. It also needs more work for the needed columns and filters.
RE: Project Report with SQL Query
Added by Kyle Johnson about 13 years ago
I also just got a request from one of our project managers asking for a similar report. They didn't want the new/old status, just the comment history.
Since my requirements were different, I used a different approach. However, this was one of my first search hits, so it seems appropriate that anyone looking for this type of report might stumble across this as well and be able to decide which solution works for them.
Mine only shows a list of comments and a bug's current status.
SELECT DISTINCT `i`.`id` AS `ID` , `p`.`name` AS `Project Name` , `is`.`name` AS `Status` , `i`.`subject` AS `Subject` , `i`.`description` AS `Description` , `i`.`start_date` AS `Start Date` , `i`.`due_date` AS `Due Date` , `j`.`notes` AS `Notes` FROM `redmine`.`issues` AS `i` INNER JOIN `issue_statuses` AS `is` ON `i`.`status_id` = `is`.`id` INNER JOIN `projects` AS `p` ON `i`.`project_id` = `p`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `journals` AS `j` ON `i`.`id` = `j`.`journalized_id` WHERE ((LENGTH(`j`.`notes`) > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = `i`.`id`) > 0) OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = `i`.`id`) = 0)) -- below this line is where you can define your own query parameters AND `p`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY `p`.`name` DESC, `i`.`due_date`, `i`.`id`, `j`.`id`
RE: Project Report with SQL Query
Added by Klaas Wüllner about 13 years ago
...okay, thanks Kyle for support i build a "best of" both queries. First for journal_details and second for notes.
For me the tracker is the important filter.
SELECT as ID,, i.subject, i.description ,i.due_date, concat_ws(" ",jd.prop_key, jd.old_value, jd.value) as "Änderungen", AS ID2 FROM issues AS i INNER JOIN issue_statuses AS s1 ON i.status_id = INNER JOIN trackers AS t ON i.tracker_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN journals AS j ON = j.journalized_id LEFT OUTER JOIN journal_details as jd ON = jd.journal_id WHERE ((LENGTH(j.notes) > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = > 0) OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = = 0)) and jd.prop_key is not null AND = 5 UNION SELECT AS ID,, i.subject, i.description ,i.due_date,j.notes AS "Änderungen", AS ID2 FROM issues AS i INNER JOIN issue_statuses AS s1 ON i.status_id = INNER JOIN trackers AS t ON i.tracker_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN journals AS j ON = j.journalized_id WHERE ((LENGTH(j.notes) > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = > 0) OR ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE LENGTH(notes) > 0 AND journalized_id = = 0)) AND = 5 ORDER BY ID ASC, ID2 ASCNext step is join for status, categorie, ... in column "Änderungen", and preformatting for Excel.
I think such a view is helpful for reporting in huger project enviroment. Because the ticket list with "done_ratio" and "subject" without description and history is not informative enough.
...At least in our projects :-)
Maybe it is useful for this topic
Another question is: How to prevent breaks if i put the query in a file? Often in descriptions are breaks. In file outputs these breaks are included. Currently is copy and paste from webmin gui.