


500 Error When Trying to Login

Added by Ron Adams about 13 years ago

Apache error log has nothing relevant, production.log messages here:

It only seems to happen when I login. I have recently run a security update on Apache (Ubuntu 10.04, updated 3/2/2012). Any ideas?

EDIT: I should mention I tried
rake tmp:cache:clear
rake tmp:sessions:clear

and restarted Apache (I'm using Passenger) but this did not help.

Replies (12)

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Ron Adams about 13 years ago

It seems to be resolved now, but I didn't really do anything, other than another reload of Apache to fix an unrelated problem...

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Vladimir Tisma about 13 years ago

Same thing here (Ubuntu 10.04/Apache/Passenger).
However, I'm trying to never update anything in order not to break a dependency. I tried rebooting the computer, but it didn't help.
Restarting Apache ONLY did help though.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by rage vietnow about 13 years ago

Same error here. Ubuntu 10.04/Apache/Passenger

I restarted apache and it still didn't work but after restarting it again it works now. Don't know what changed.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Lucas B about 13 years ago

This happened to me also, it took 2 restarts of Apache to get it going again. I'm not sure what caused it or what fixed it for that matter.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Anonymous about 13 years ago

I have the same problem, also with Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS and Apache2/Passenger. I tried restarting Apache2 several times, and also tried the deleting the tmp:cache and tmp:sessions, but nothing got better so far.

Is there no reliable way how to solve this problem? :(

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Vladimir Tisma about 13 years ago

Update: it appears that ubuntu update to ruby 1.8.7 somehow broke redmine. I can't tell which version it was before, but since ubuntu has no downgrade either, I've tried 1.8.6 with rvm, and it fails randomly again. Tried 1.9.2 as well - no luck. It appears that rvm can't compile 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 (I understood there was a major difference between these), so I'm trying 1.8.5 now.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Vladimir Tisma about 13 years ago

I still have no clue, but here is what I did to mitigate the problem:
Created redmine DB backup.
Reverted to a machine snapshot (luckily it is a VM).
Disabled network before booting the machine again (while VM is turned off).
Uninstalled unattended upgrades package (sudo apt-get remove --purge unattended-upgrades) - it's responsible for automatic update that happened.
Reenabled network (VM must be turned off in order to do that).

What I've learned is that on a reverted system ruby -v still returns 1.8.7. To be precise: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i486-linux]

It appears that it's rather ubuntu's problem than redmine's, as some dependencies are definitely broken with this upgrade.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by sjaak sjoukes about 13 years ago

I've got the same problem here.
Since a week or so redmine stops working after logrotate (gracefully) restarts apache.
The last

Restarting apache multiple times "fixes" the issues and makes redmine come back to life.

ruby 1.8.7
redmine 0.9.3
litesql db
ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS with latest updates and kernell updates applied.
latest change in ruby was made on 2012-03-01
ruby1.8 (,
ruby1.8-dev (,,
libruby1.8 (,
libreadline-ruby1.8 (,,
libopenssl-ruby1.8 (,

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Vladimir Tisma about 13 years ago

It looks like some of the Redmine dependencies listed here: are broken with the upgrade. Redmine version in Ubuntu repository is 0.9.3.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by harry krueger about 13 years ago

Best if you guys go here
and make some noise, so Ubuntu will actually fix this issue.

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Andrei Kleschinski about 13 years ago

I have found a reason for bug.
Security fix (CVE-2011-4815) in debian/ubuntu has changed hash parameters processing.

app/models/settings.rb is depended on hash keys ordering (set name, then value), but after security fix that order becomes random and changes with apache restart.

quick hack to fix:

change /usr/share/redmine/app/models/setting.rb at line 165:

    setting = find_by_name(name)
    setting ||= new(:name => name, :value => @@available_settings[name]['default']) if @@available_settings.has_key? name


    setting = find_by_name(name)
    default_v = @@available_settings[name]['default']
    default = new(:name => name)
    default.value = default_v
    setting ||= default

RE: 500 Error When Trying to Login - Added by Andrei Kleschinski about 13 years ago

also, in last redmine-1.3.2 this already fixed:

  def self.find_or_default(name)
    name = name.to_s
    raise "There's no setting named #{name}" unless @@available_settings.has_key?(name)
    setting = find_by_name(name)
    unless setting
      setting = new(:name => name)
      setting.value = @@available_settings[name]['default']

