Access control for multiple repo per project
Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
I've followed the guide: for Redmine v1.3.2 but I can't seem to get it to work with Redmine v.1.4.0 for project with multiple repositories (the new feature for Redmine v1.4.0). These are the steps that I did:
- Create Project A, identifier for Project A: sample
- Assign svn repo A1 to Project A, identifier for the repo: sample-svn1 (same name as the svn directory)
- Assign svn repo A2 to Project A, , identifier for the repo: sample-svn2 (same name as the svn directory)
- Give myself access as a manager and developer to Project A
- Try checking out repo A1 or repo A2. Got:
svn: OPTIONS of 'http://svn.server/sample-svn1': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (http://svn.server)
However, there's no problem if I did these steps:
- Create Project B, identifier for Project B: sample
- Assign svn repo B1 to Project B, identifier for the repo: sample (same name as the svn directory)
- Give myself access as a manager and developer to Project B
- Checkout (succeed)
My current environment:
- MySQL v5.1.56
- Ruby v1.9.3
- Rails 2.3.14
- Redmine v1.4.0
Replies (1)
RE: Access control for multiple repo per project
Added by Antonio García-Domínguez almost 13 years ago
Please read my reply at patch #4905: