creating tickets from emails
Added by iniyavan karan almost 12 years ago
Hi everyone, I followed the instructions on [[]] and could successful setup issue creation through anonymous emails. Now the problem I am facing is that the newly created issue has only the mail message's body in it, I loose the sender email details and the subject, can there be a way to capture them as well.
thanks and much appreciate any help in this regard
Replies (7)
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago
The subject should be the subject of the created issue.
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by iniyavan karan almost 12 years ago
I am sorry my bad, the subject does show up. but is there any way to capture the sender's email address as well.
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago
The sender is mapped to a redmine user (through the email address), for anonymous mails - none I know of.
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by iniyavan karan almost 12 years ago
thats exactly the problem here , attached is a screenshot to further your point, bounce anyone?
support ticket by email- anonymous user.jpg (67.7 KB) support ticket by email- anonymous user.jpg | ticket created by anonymous user |
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by iniyavan karan almost 12 years ago
Got a solution, a very dirty hack with the basic Ruby I could muster. this patch writes the sender's email address in the newly created issue, no formatting but does the job.
replace redmine root\app\models\mail_handler.rb with the patched file to get the sender's email id in the issue body.
the patch is as below
# Creates a new issue def receive_issue project = target_project # check permission unless @@handler_options[:no_permission_check] raise UnauthorizedAction unless user.allowed_to?(:add_issues, project) end issue = => user, :project => project) issue.safe_attributes = issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue) issue.safe_attributes = {'custom_field_values' => custom_field_values_from_keywords(issue)} issue.subject = cleaned_up_subject if issue.subject.blank? issue.subject = '(no subject)' end #patched to write the sender's email id in the body of the new issue created issue.description = cleaned_up_text_body + "| This issue is reported by: #{email.header['from'].to_s} |" # add To and Cc as watchers before saving so the watchers can reply to Redmine add_watchers(issue)! add_attachments(issue) "MailHandler: issue ##{} created by #{user}" if logger && issue end
anyone with a more elegant solution let me know!
mail_handler.rb (18 KB) mail_handler.rb | mail_handler.rb patched |
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by Mikhail Oleynik over 6 years ago
Any progress on this?
Thank you.
RE: creating tickets from emails
Added by Heiko Böhme almost 4 years ago
Does anyone know if there is any progress?