


Redmine can't find svn command

Added by Michael Haren about 16 years ago

I'm trying to integrate my svn repo into the Project>Repository tab.

After I configure it, I get this error on the repository tab:

An error occurred when trying to access the repository: No such file or directory - svn list --xml "https://my-server/path/to/repo/"@HEAD --username xxxx --password xxxx

And this error in the log file:

SCM command failed, make sure that your SCM binary (eg. svn) is in PATH (): svn info --xml ...

When I enter that command at the command line it works.

<list path="https://my-server/path/to/repo">

Svn version and path:

C:\>where svn
C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion Server\svn.exe

C:\>svn --version
svn, version 1.5.5 (r34862)
compiled Dec 23 2008, 12:42:22

Hopefully this demonstrates that svn is in my system path (windows 2003). I've rebooted.

It seems suspicious that the "PATH" in the above log message is empty. Is there supposed to be something in there?

Is there a rails/redmine path variable I need to update?

Replies (4)

RE: Redmine can't find svn command - Added by Michael Haren about 16 years ago

Any ideas on this? I'm willing to work through this on my own but I need a little direction.


RE: Redmine can't find svn command - Added by Michael Haren about 16 years ago

I fixed my problem temporarily by modifying


I changed line 28 to include the full path to my install:

SVN_BIN = "C:/Program Files/CollabNet Subversion Server/svn.exe"

I'd really like to resolve this by adding the appropriate path somewhere so this doesn't break on an upgrade later. Any ideas on that?

RE: Redmine can't find svn command - Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 16 years ago


Did you find a solution ?

RE: Redmine can't find svn command - Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 16 years ago

Actually I think I found another possible explanation.

On Win 2003 server, I run Redmine on a Mongrel service and got the same issue although SVN was in the PATH and that when I typed the command into cmd it worked.

The trick was to go to the services panel of windows and to allow the mongrel service to interact with the desktop. (It was running on the local system account ).
