


Please help me send to email to all members of project

Added by pham tuan over 11 years ago

Hello everyone
I'm a new member.
Please help me about send email to all members of project
I use function send news to all members of project:

  • def news_added(news)
    redmine_headers 'Project' => news.project.identifier
    @author =
    message_id news
    @news = news
    @news_url = url_for(:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news)
    mail :to => news.project.members.collect {|m| m.user}.collect {|u| u.mail},
    :subject => "[#{}] #{l(:label_news)}: #{news.title}"

But my email of System only send maximum 50 mails at time.
While project has many members (about 200 members).
I want to ask, such as by changing the code to send mail to multiple times.
Each send to 50 people.
Thanks for your support.

Replies (2)

RE: Please help me send to email to all members of project - Added by pham tuan over 11 years ago

Please help me.
Best regard.
Please tell me Solution.

RE: Please help me send to email to all members of project - Added by kid1412 _net over 10 years ago

The solution is simple. You can create 4 email list. Each list has 50 members. You can add 4 users with 4 email lists to the project members. Done! ;-)
