Regexp in time logging match does not work
Added by Sergei Plaxienko about 11 years ago
It looks like time (e.g. @5m or @0.5hours) in commit's comments are not recognize in Redmine 2.4.3.
I've tried different formats, but no luck.
My setup is: Redmine 2.4.3, Ruby 2.0.0-p247, Rails 3.2.15, git, gitlab 6.5.1
Investigation showed that regexp in app/models/changeset.rb is somehow not correct, because var hours always empty.
def scan_comment_for_issue_ids
return if comments.blank?
# keywords used to reference issues
ref_keywords = Setting.commit_ref_keywords.downcase.split(",").collect(&:strip)
ref_keywords_any = ref_keywords.delete('*')
# keywords used to fix issues
fix_keywords = {|r| r['keywords']}.flatten.compact
kw_regexp = (ref_keywords + fix_keywords).collect{|kw| Regexp.escape(kw)}.join("|")
referenced_issues = []
comments.scan(/([\s\(\[,-]|^)((#{kw_regexp})[\s:]+)?(#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?([\s,;&]+#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?)*)(?=[[:punct:]]|\s|<|$)/i) do |match|
action, refs = match[2].to_s.downcase, match[3]
next unless action.present? || ref_keywords_any
refs.scan(/#(\d+)(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?/).each do |m|
issue, hours = find_referenced_issue_by_id(m[0].to_i), m[2]
if issue
referenced_issues << issue
# Don't update issues or log time when importing old commits
unless repository.created_on && committed_on && committed_on < repository.created_on
fix_issue(issue, action) if fix_keywords.include?(action)
log_time(issue, hours) if hours && Setting.commit_logtime_enabled?
TIMELOG_RE here is
kw_regexp here is
pre-regexp here is
full-regexp here is
([\s\(\[,-]|^)((refs|references|issueid|fixes|closes|fixed)[\s:]+)?(#\d+(\s+@(((\d+)(h|hours?))((\d+)(m|min)?)?|((\d+)(h|hours?|m|min))|(\d+):(\d+)|(\d+([\.,]\d+)?)h?))?([\s,;&]+#\d+(\s+@(((\d+)(h|hours?))((\d+)(m|min)?)?|((\d+)(h|hours?|m|min))|(\d+):(\d+)|(\d+([\.,]\d+)?)h?))?)*)(?=[[:punct:]]|\s|<|$)I've tried online regexp testers for mentioned full-regexp and try to test string refs #42 test @53m supertest, and none parsed this regexp as it supposed to be parsed:
- (yes, I know that this parser is for Javascript) shows match as:
1. `` 2. `refs` 3. `refs` 4. `#42`
- shows match as:
1. 2. refs 3. refs 4. #42
So, no time in match.
I believe that there is a mistake or mistype in regexp, because this regexp matched correctly:
Any suggestions?