


Email configuration

Added by Per-Olof Hermansson about 16 years ago

I have a new redmine installation at, on a VPS.

Under Email notification I get a message:

Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.
Configure your SMTP server in config/email.yml and restart the application to enable them.

I have reconfigured email.yml as follows,

delivery_method: :smtp
port: 25
authentication: :login
password: ***

and restarted the mongrel process (Hostingrails did it for me).

But I still get the same message.

What can be wrong?

Replies (5)

RE: Email configuration - Added by Per-Olof Hermansson about 16 years ago

Anyone out there that can help me on this issue?

I have even changed the settings to my local server but i still get the same message.

What can I do to check what is wrong, or to solve the issue?


RE: Email configuration - Added by Per-Olof Hermansson about 16 years ago

I have done some "research" and found a reference to config/environment.rb (in a thread on MS Exchange).

Even though it said
"# Deliveries are disabled by default. Do NOT modify this section. # Define your email configuration in email.yml instead. # It will automatically turn deliveries on
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false"

I changed the false to true, and saved the file, restarted mongrel, and Oops! No error message!

Is this an error in the system or just an error in the message saying that rebooting after changing email.yml should suffice?

RE: Email configuration - Added by Anthony Cartmell over 15 years ago

It seems that you might have to go to another Settings page and return to the Email notifications.

Or perhaps setting config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true and then back to false was what fixed it for me.

RE: Email configuration - Added by Gordon Anderson over 12 years ago

If you uncomment sections from the sample configuration.yml.example you may run into an issue where you have two production: stanzas in the YML file. This used to work but no longer does, the second empty production: section overwrites the mail settings from the first. Run your configuration.yml file on to see if this is your issue

RE: Email configuration - Added by Bharath Jeeva about 11 years ago

Edit Configuration.yml with

  1. default configuration options for all environments
    default: # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :smtp

no other settings is required. put # in front of all other lines relating to email config.
its working for me in Redmine 2.4.2, make sure that MTA agent(sendmail or postfix running) in your box. now restart the redmine instance and check it.
