


Can I reopen a closed ticket?

Added by Christian Rojas almost 16 years ago

Any idea?.

Thx. Redmine 0.8.2

Replies (8)

RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Christian Rojas almost 16 years ago

with admin account it is not possible but with other privilegies is possible. ;).

Thank You.

RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

The logged-in user needs to have the appropriate roles and permissions on the project containing the issue which you want to "reopen".

When you "reopen" an issue you are actually changing it's status to a one which is not configured as being "closed". As a result of the preceding this requires that you have configured an appropriate workflow to allow a state-change between the desired statuses.


RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Vipin Singla almost 16 years ago

Hi Mischa

I have successfully done the reopening thing by doing small configurations in workflow. But is there any way to have a report like - No. of issues reopened, How many times an issue was re opened and the issue details itself.

I need this to monitor closely about first time right solutions.


Mischa The Evil wrote:

The logged-in user needs to have the appropriate roles and permissions on the project containing the issue which you want to "reopen".

When you "reopen" an issue you are actually changing it's status to a one which is not configured as being "closed". As a result of the preceding this requires that you have configured an appropriate workflow to allow a state-change between the desired statuses.


RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

Vipin Singla wrote:

[...] is there any way to have a report like - No. of issues reopened

That is possible using the issue-summary (URL: /projects/projectid/issues/report). There you can see the number of issues currently having the status reopened in the project.

Vipin Singla wrote:

[...] How many times an issue was re opened

This is a bit more cumbersome. You can count the number of status-changes to reopened of an issue yourself (thus not doing a query like: "show me all issues which are reopened three or more time") by looking at the issue's journal to see how many times the status has been changed to reopened, since such change of an issue is automatically added to the journal.

Vipin Singla wrote:

[...] and the issue details itself.

What kind of details are you talking about? All details of an issue are displayed in the issue-view AFAIK... :-S



RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Vipin Singla almost 16 years ago

Obviously i can get the list of issues at a particular status.
But here the problem is that you are overlooking the real scenarios. In actual the flow of an issue will be somthing like

New -> Assigned -> Resolved -> Closed -> Reopen -> Assigned

I can get the list of issues that have a staues Reopen at a time, But what after assigning it to a developer? After assigning it to a developer i can't get the list of reopened issue as the issue will have the status "assigned".

More over my aim is to look the facts that

How many issues were reopened during a particular time so that i can check what is the %age of first time right solutions.

This is a feature that any bug tracker software must have. I have been using Mantis ans it gives quiet useful details. But I liked redmine in terms of GUI, plugins and features like forums.

But lack of some features in reports is making me continue with Mantis or analyze some other Bug Tracker.


RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

I think that issue #2678 describes your need for detailed monitoring and reporting of issue-status changes...

HTH... ;)

RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Victor Eijkhout about 14 years ago

New -> Assigned -> Resolved -> Closed -> Reopen -> Assigned

Precisely. I assign something to someone, they claim to do it and close the ticket, but actually they misunderstood me, so I want to reopen the issue.

So that's not possible?

RE: Can I reopen a closed ticket? - Added by Victor Eijkhout about 14 years ago

Oh, I see, you need to define in the configuration that this transition is possible. Hm.
