Accepting new users
Added by Joe Wood almost 16 years ago
I am new to Redmine so this issue/question may have been addressed before. If so I apologise. What I have seen of Redmine so far is just what I wanted.
It seems that an application to register a user cannot be fully refused.
That needs some explanation, so let me try.- A potential users completes the registration form as normal.
- Accept 'new' user.
- If the Administrator has so selected the user becomes fully registered.
- Otherwise the 'new' user awaits acceptance by the Administrator.
As far as I can tell, the Administrator cannot reject an application, only wait indefinitely to accept one.
This links into the question of multiple email addresses, since the 'new' user blocks an address. I understand that once created the system may not want to delete a user because of database integrity. Could we have an active refuse user and delay 'creating' the 'new' user until approved?
Replies (5)
Managing Unapproved User Sign up Attempts
Added by Tony Shiffer almost 16 years ago
This is a serious issue - I agree.
It won't take to long before invalid, robotic sign in attempts, and other IDs that will NEVER be approved and have no associated db entires, build up to unmanageable levels. Searching through the list to find valid new users is a royal pain in the backside.
We can archive Projects - why cant we archive users? Obviously, a design decision was taken and we (sadly) cant delete any users. I understand data integrity concerns. But when an ID has never and will never be approved - deletion is reasonable, and NECESSARY.
We need a solution to this. Even a hack if anyone has any ideas.
RE: Accepting new users
Added by Shane Pearlman over 15 years ago
This is beginning to be a serious issue for us as well and needs to get fixed.
I would request we either be able to reject users or delete them. The system can delete them, since they are not yet related to any other tables at this point. I understand the hesitancy to delete users if they have ever been active but if they haven't ever been active...
Declining Applicants - and getting themoff the list.
Added by Tony Shiffer over 15 years ago
Yes. Thanks to bogus robot applications, we now have three times the PENDING than we do real ID's.
Its a royal pain in the nether regions - its takes forever to find new applicants on the list, and its just darn poor design to leave it this way.
Until the ID has been approved, there are no table entries to worry about. This is not a intelligent design decision at all. It makes this great system far less useful and easy to manage than it should be. Than it WOULD be otherwise.
Does anyone have a HACK that can do this? Any solution would be better than the current "ears closed" response we get from the project on this important issue.
RE: Accepting new users
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Joe Wood wrote:
This links into the question of multiple email addresses, since the 'new' user blocks an address. I understand that once created the system may not want to delete a user because of database integrity. Could we have an active refuse user and delay 'creating' the 'new' user until approved?
Delaying the creation of a new user would need some significant changes to how the users are saved. Basically we'd have to have another table to store the 'pending' users before putting them in with the active users. Also there's the chance of a race condition where two users signup with the same email and one activates before the other. The second user would then have an account but can't activate, since the first user has the email already.
Shane Pearlman wrote:
I would request we either be able to reject users or delete them. The system can delete them, since they are not yet related to any other tables at this point. I understand the hesitancy to delete users if they have ever been active but if they haven't ever been active...
I think being able to reject/delete unapproved users might be a good solution. If the user hasn't been active, it should be safe.
Tony Shiffer wrote:
Does anyone have a HACK that can do this? Any solution would be better than the current "ears closed" response we get from the project on this important issue.
If you take a database backup and are 100% sure that user has never been used.... you can delete the row from the users
table. If you delete a user that was used or is active anywhere, you'll end up with data inconsistencies and errors.
If someone could open a new feature request for this, we can see about adding this. I didn't see one opened already.
RE: Accepting new users
Added by Tony Shiffer over 15 years ago
Awesome - Im on it. The last ticket was closed (from when I researched this before.) Ill open a new one right now.
Thank you Eric