


Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error

Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

There are problems with displaying several pages from revision 8162 on when the following plugins are installed:


These paths return "500 internal server error":
/issues/nnn, where nnn is an issue number.

Replies (6)

RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Another broken plugin:


RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Another broken plugin:


RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Yes, we knew this would break plugins for 1.4.0.

Plugins will now have to declare their own routes as described in chapter 8 of

Documentation and Redmine plugin generators will have to be updated too.

Edit: bad link, these plugins are engines, their authors just need to add a routes.rb in config dir.

RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Tom Freudenberg about 13 years ago

Hi all,

the sample_plugin in extras ist also not working anymore.

I think it would be great if this could be fixed to work again.
So other plugin developers can have a look to see what and how it should be changed.


RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Harry Garrood about 13 years ago

So other plugin developers can have a look to see what and how it should be changed.

Have a look at
If you see any other plugin developers who don't know, send them there as well.

RE: Revision trunk:8162 breaks routes -> 500 internal server error - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

redmine_join_project seems to be broken too. At least I get a 500 when accessing the "My account" page. Removing the plugin fixes it.
