


ezFAQ 0.2.0 (compitable with redmine after r2493 and rails 2.2.2) (Feature: export faq to pdf)

Added by Chaoqun Zou almost 16 years ago

=== Feature

1. Ask question and request a user to answer it.
2. FAQ is grouped by categories.
3. FAQ's modification has history logs.
4. Send notify email to the author and the assigned user who should answer the question.
5. FAQ creation or edit is added to redmine's activity.
6. FAQ and FAQ-list can be exported to PDF document.

=== Changelog

0.2.0 -> Fix mailer error. Thanks for Eric Davis.

0.1.9 -> Add export to PDF function to FAQ and FAQ-list.
This version has a mailer error, the mail function is disabled and will be corrected in 0.2.0.

0.1.0 -> Compitable with redmine devel after r2493 and rails 2.2.2
Add cs.yml language.

0.0.4 -> Add faq into project's activity.
Add preview ablility to faq's new and edit page.
Add copy ablility to faq's show page.
Use redmine's pagination instead of will_paginate(so will_paginate is no longer needed).
Add de.yml language.

0.0.3 -> Change attatchment related methods, because redmine r2116 has changed it's
attatchment manage mechanism.
Change permission and menu into gloc strings and now they can be localized.