ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Chaoqun Zou over 15 years ago
ezSummary plugin can send issue status summary mail to people who can't see the issue but want to know things about that issue.
Current version: 0.0.1. ONLY compatible with Redmine last devel.
See ezSummary at wiki for details.
Replies (19)
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Jaroslav K. over 15 years ago
there I see "ONLY compatible with Redmine last devel" in description. Information about that is renewed 5 months ago. So which version of Redmine is compatible with this plugin (or vice-verse)?
I have Redmine 0.8.4.stable (MySQL) and try to install plugin.
First of all setup fails because there is no /tmp/mysql.sock, so I created symlink for mysql socket file.
Next: plugin was installed for development environment. So, there must be environment specified.
After installation / reboot / enable module in settings - I cannot see issues (Internal error 500).
What I am doing wrong? Thank you for answers.
Chaoqun Zou wrote:
ezSummary plugin can send issue status summary mail to people who can't see the issue but want to know things about that issue.
Current version: 0.0.1. ONLY compatible with Redmine last devel.
See ezSummary at wiki for details.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Chaoqun Zou over 15 years ago
Hi, it will only compatible with redmine last devel until redmine 0.9 series since the current redmine trunk uses rails 2.3 and redmine 0.8.x uses rails 2.1.
But I have found that this plugin has some error with redmine trunk after r2886, I will check it and upload a bugfix version later.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Jaroslav K. over 15 years ago
Chaoqun Zou wrote:
Hi, it will only compatible with redmine last devel until redmine 0.9 series since the current redmine trunk uses rails 2.3 and redmine 0.8.x uses rails 2.1.
But I have found that this plugin has some error with redmine trunk after r2886, I will check it and upload a bugfix version later.
Hello and thank you very much for answer!
This plugin is what we need, so we are waiting with impatience. Will be there possibility to edit issue's summary information (for example we wish to send only last comment to our external partners)? It is ok for us to just delete unnecessary information.
Thank you! We are waiting :)
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Chaoqun Zou over 15 years ago
Now it is compitable again with last redmine trunk after r3038 at github (http://github.com/zouchaoqun/redmine_ezsummary)
But I'm not preparing to make the summary to be editable since I'm a little busy these days.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Jaroslav K. about 15 years ago
We updated Redmine to latest stable version: Redmine 0.9.2.stable (MySQL)
I try install redmine_ezsummary plugin, but after "rake db:migrate_plugins" command I get error:
(in /apps/redmine-0.9.2)
rake aborted!
Expected /apps/redmine-0.9.2/app/models/user.rb to define User
(full trace with "--trace" parameter attached in trace.log file)
We really need this functionality. Could it work? :)
Thank you.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by amine lahlou almost 15 years ago
Hello Jaroslav,
I'm experiencing the same issue,
Redmine 0.9.3
Rails 2.3.5
ruby 1.8.7
Have you found how to deal with it ?
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Jaroslav K. almost 15 years ago
Hello Amine Lahlou,
no, I found no solution for this problem :( Still awaiting.
amine lahlou wrote:
Hello Jaroslav,
I'm experiencing the same issue,
Redmine 0.9.3
Rails 2.3.5
ruby 1.8.7Have you found how to deal with it ?
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by amine lahlou almost 15 years ago
Hi Jarolav,
I found the solution.
In the file /redmine-0.9.3/vendor/plugins/redmine_ezsummary/init.rb
You have to add require_dependency 'principal' before require_dependency 'user' then you can perform the rake.
But after correctly configuring the plugin i have a new issue now.
After clicking on the ezsummary label i have the following error :
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `ezsummary_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb6e29094>) on line #4 of vendor/plugins/redmine_ezsummary/app/views/ez_issue_summaries/_email_form.html.erb:
1: <%= render_mail_error(@errors) >
2: <fieldset id="email">
3: <legend><= t("label_ezsummary_mail") ></legend>
4: < form_tag ezsummary_path(:issue_id => issue), :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do ->
5: <div id="top_form">
6: <div class="label-wrapper">
7: <= label_tag 'recipients', "#{t('field_recipients')}: ", :class => 'required' %>
Please let me know if you find a fix...
Amine Lahlou
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Jaroslav K. almost 15 years ago
Hello Amine,
Thank you for you solution. I'll check that.
Jaroslav K.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Malte Schnack almost 15 years ago
amine lahlou wrote:
But after correctly configuring the plugin i have a new issue now.
I face the same problem here, Amine. Did you find a solution?
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Malte Schnack almost 15 years ago
Malte Schnack wrote:
amine lahlou wrote:
But after correctly configuring the plugin i have a new issue now.
I face the same problem here, Amine. Did you find a solution?
Ah - i found a workaround. zouchaoqun has a ezSummary branch on github which seems to solve this issue.
- Download the zouchaoqun's master branch and place into your redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_ezsummary folder
- Apply the patch Amine mentions
In the file /redmine-0.9.3/vendor/plugins/redmine_ezsummary/init.rb You have to add require_dependency 'principal' before require_dependency 'user' then you can perform the rake.
- ... and you should be good to go
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by amine lahlou almost 15 years ago
Before you can send emails with the last version you should have the _email_form.html.erb like this :
<%= render_mail_error(@errors) >
<fieldset id="email">
<legend><= t("label_ezsummary_mail") ></legend>
< form_tag :issue_id => issue, :action => "create", :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do ->
<div id="top_form">
<div class="label-wrapper">
<= label_tag 'recipients', "#{t('field_recipients')}: ", :class => 'required' >
<= text_area_tag 'recipients', attributes[:recipients] >
<div class="label-wrapper">
<= label_tag 'subject', "#{t('field_subject')}: ", :class => 'required' >
<= text_field_tag 'subject', attributes[:subject] || "#{issue.project.name} - #{issue.tracker.name} ##{issue.id}: #{issue.subject}" >
<div class="label-wrapper">
<= label_tag 'mail_content', "#{t('field_content')}: " >
<textarea name="content" id="mail_content"><= attributes[:content] %></textarea>
<div id="bottom_form">
<%= submit_tag t("button_send_mail"), :id => "ez_send_mail", :action => 'create' >
<= link_to_remote 'Submit', { :url => { :action => 'create' }, :with => "Form.serialize($('form_id'))" }, { :class => "style_class" } ->
<= check_box_tag 'save_flag' ><= label_tag 'save_flag', t("text_ezsummary_save_mail_tempate"), :title => t("text_tooltip_save_mail_tempate") >
<span class="notice"><= t("text_mail_content_desc") ></span>
< end -%>
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by amine lahlou almost 15 years ago
amine lahlou wrote:
In the _email_form.html.erb :
<% form_tag ezsummary_path(:issue_id => issue), :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do -%>
<% form_tag :issue_id => issue, :action => "create", :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do -%>
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by amine lahlou almost 15 years ago
Before :
form_tag ezsummary_path(:issue_id => issue), :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do
After :
form_tag :issue_id => issue, :action => "create", :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do -%
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Paul Ohm over 14 years ago
I downloaded the latest branch from the github and installed using "rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production" (because i am using the production environment) and I applied the require_dependency patch that amine mentions. The installation and the rake work fine, and I am able to see the Issue Summary button on issues where i have enabled it on the module settings, however, it throws me to a Internal Error 500 page.
What am I doing wrong? I replaced the bottom section of _email_form.html.erb with:
<div id="bottom_form"> <%= submit_tag t("button_send_mail"), :id => "ez_send_mail", :action => 'create' > <= link_to_remote 'Submit', { :url => { :action => 'create' }, :with => "Form.serialize($('form_id'))" }, { :class => "style_class" } -> <= check_box_tag 'save_flag' ><= label_tag 'save_flag', t("text_ezsummary_save_mail_tempate"), :title => t("text_tooltip_save_mail_tempate") > <span class="notice"><%= t("text_mail_content_desc") %></span> </div>
However, I'm not sure what you mean by the following "Before" and "After" parts. Are these sections going into the _email_form.html.erb file also? Before and after what?
amine lahlou wrote:
Before :
form_tag ezsummary_path(:issue_id => issue), :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} doAfter :
form_tag :issue_id => issue, :action => "create", :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do -%
Any help would be great.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Paul Ohm over 14 years ago
Amine emailed me the exact _email_form.html.erb file needed and it works great. Just for anyone else's reference, here is the contents of the working _email_form.html.erb file:
<%= render_mail_error(@errors) %> <fieldset id="email"> <legend><%= t("label_ezsummary_mail") %></legend> <% form_tag :issue_id => issue, :action => "create", :html => { :method => :post, :id => "create_email_form"} do -%> <div id="top_form"> <div class="label-wrapper"> <%= label_tag 'recipients', "#{t('field_recipients')}: ", :class => 'required' %> <%= text_area_tag 'recipients', attributes[:recipients] %> </div> <div class="label-wrapper"> <%= label_tag 'subject', "#{t('field_subject')}: ", :class => 'required' %> <%= text_field_tag 'subject', attributes[:subject] || "#{issue.project.name} - #{issue.tracker.name} ##{issue.id}: #{issue.subject}" %> </div> <div class="label-wrapper"> <%= label_tag 'mail_content', "#{t('field_content')}: " %> <textarea name="content" id="mail_content"><%= attributes[:content] %></textarea> </div> </div> <div id="bottom_form"> <%= submit_tag t("button_send_mail"), :id => "ez_send_mail", :action => 'create' %> <%= link_to_remote 'Submit', { :url => { :action => 'create' }, :with => "Form.serialize($('form_id'))" }, { :class => "style_class" } -%> <%= check_box_tag 'save_flag' %><%= label_tag 'save_flag', t("text_ezsummary_save_mail_tempate"), :title => t("text_tooltip_save_mail_tempate") %> <span class="notice"><%= t("text_mail_content_desc") %></span> </div> <% end -%> </fieldset>
The plugin does almost exactly what we want. We are using our redmine to have users post issues into a general subproject called "It Issues". As IT administrators, we then take these issues and move them to other projects and subprojects that the initial author does not have permission to view. We then use this plugin to be able to update the user on the tasks status even though they are not able to view the entire subproject where the issue resides.
What would make this plugin a bit better would be the ability to use Usernames in the "recipients" field of the Email Form. Furthermore, if it was possible to just check a box saying "Email to author", that would fulfill our need completely.
Not sure if anyone would still update this plugin, but that would be an invaluable addition.
Thanks again Amine for the help.
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
I tested the Plugin ...
- Redmine 1.01
- git clone from 2009-06-03
- Patched _email_form.html.erb
.. getting this errors in production.log..
ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to index. Actions: accept_key_auth_actions, api_request?, authorize, authorize_global, back_url, check_if_login_required, check_project_privacy, current_language, current_menu_item, day_name, default_search_scope, default_search_scopes, delete_broken_cookies, deny_access, filename_for_content_disposition, find_current_user, find_issues, find_language, find_model_object, find_optional_project, find_project, find_project_from_association, format_date, format_time, invalid_authenticity_token, l_hours, l_or_humanize, ll, logged_user=, menu_items, month_name, object_errors_to_json, parse_qvalues, per_page_option, query_statement_invalid, redirect_back_or_default, redirect_to_project_menu_item, render_403, render_404, render_attachment_warning_if_needed, render_error, render_feed, require_admin, require_login, set_flash_from_bulk_issue_save, set_language_if_valid, set_localization, show, use_layout, user_setup, and valid_languages): passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:92:in `process_request' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:207:in `main_loop' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:441:in `start_request_handler' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:381:in `handle_spawn_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:252:in `safe_fork' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:377:in `handle_spawn_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:163:in `start' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:222:in `start' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:262:in `spawn_rails_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:126:in `lookup_or_add' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:256:in `spawn_rails_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:80:in `synchronize' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:79:in `synchronize' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:255:in `spawn_rails_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:154:in `spawn_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:287:in `handle_spawn_application' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop' passenger (2.2.14) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously'
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
Attached the erb i used and my german translation
_email_form.html.erb (1.47 KB) _email_form.html.erb | |||
de.yml (1.38 KB) de.yml |
RE: ezSummary plugin 0.0.1 - Send issue status summary(including all journals) mail to somebody
Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
The problem is niow also that i can't migrate with my new de.yml file.
It says syntax error on line 15, col 21: ` field_recipients: Empfänger'
..i also tried..
It says syntax error on line 15, col 21: ` field_recipients: Empfaenger'
..and like original..
syntax error on line 15, col 21: ` field_recipients: Recipients'<pre> ..but problems remains. The file is coded as UTF8 (without BOM) .. for all other translations this worked quite well. No idea why not here..