More menu items in collapse
Added by Ktool P over 15 years ago
I was wondering if the following were possible in collapse or is in plans:
1. Ability to add custom menu items under the global menu eg. I would want to add the My Page link and a custom tab link in the global menu. A custom menu item feature with simple 'Name' and 'URL' would do the job - this will also allow a link to say my favorite project issues etc.
2. What should I edit in the collapse css to reduce the width of the collapse panel.
I am just used to menus on the left like most people.
Replies (4)
RE: More menu items in collapse
Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago
Ktool P wrote:
1. Ability to add custom menu items under the global menu eg. I would want to add the My Page link and a custom tab link in the global menu. A custom menu item feature with simple 'Name' and 'URL' would do the job - this will also allow a link to say my favorite project issues etc.
That would be a nice feature indeed. I'll start working on some sort of custom menu section within the menus tab for v0.3.0 of the plugin.
Ktool P wrote:
2. What should I edit in the collapse css to reduce the width of the collapse panel.
It's not only CSS which is involved here. The main width is set in the plugins ../app/views/layout/base.rhtml (which overrides the Redmine core base-layout) according to the wanted width (currently it is 210px
by default). It's done in the following line:
<div style="width:210px">There are actually several CSS-declarations involved with the width of the sidebar:
#main #leftmenu-supportedtheme #leftmenu #leftmenu-contents { width: 210px; }
- for the width of the sidebar's content
#leftmenu-supportedtheme #leftmenu .collapse_tabs ul li { margin-right: 4px; }
- for the space between the sidebar tabs
#leftmenu-supportedtheme #leftmenu .collapse_tabs ul li a { padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px; }
- for the space of the sidebar tab names
I'd suggest to start with the first CSS-mod first and then tweak the 2nd and 3rd accordingly.
Kind regards,
RE: More menu items in collapse
Added by Ktool P over 15 years ago
Mischa The Evil wrote:
That would be a nice feature indeed. I'll start working on some sort of custom menu section within the menus tab for v0.3.0 of the plugin.
Excellent! will wait eagerly... where should I watch for the updates?
It's not only CSS which is involved here. The main width is set in the plugins ../app/views/layout/base.rhtml (which overrides the Redmine core base-layout) according to the wanted width (currently it is
by default). It's done in the following line:
Will try that and let you know the results
RE: More menu items in collapse
Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago
Ktool P wrote:
Excellent! will wait eagerly... where should I watch for the updates?
I'll usually tend to spam new releases over several platforms: IRC, Forum-post, Wiki-page update and Twitter (hmm, did I forget some??).
Regarding the status of 0.3.0
: currently have the support for the watersky-theme done for about 85%. Once done I'll release an intermediate 0.3.0_pre-alpha1
since the other features currently planned for 0.3.0
are taking some more time from me to develop. Since I don't want to exclude watersky-theme users from using the plugin I'll try to satisfy those this way... :)
Ktool P wrote:
Mischa The Evil wrote:
It's not only CSS which is involved here. The main width is set in the plugins ../app/views/layout/base.rhtml (which overrides the Redmine core base-layout) according to the wanted width (currently it is
by default). It's done in the following line:Will try that and let you know the results
Did it worked-out well for you?
RE: More menu items in collapse
Added by Ktool P over 15 years ago
Mischa The Evil wrote:
I'll usually tend to spam new releases over several platforms: IRC, Forum-post, Wiki-page update and Twitter (hmm, did I forget some??).
I think one should be able to find the updates if you cover all the four above. I will keep an eye.
Mischa The Evil wrote:
Did it worked-out well for you?
Yes and No. We did manage to reduce the width of the side bar. However the mouse hovers over many items cut into the main page. We did not want to tinker more even though we were close as we just got used to the size - really it does not bother us now. My bad - I should have replied to you earlier.