



Feature #1973


Hierarchical issue templates

Added by Ingmar Heinrich over 16 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

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There are many companies that have recurring complex workflows with partly parallel strands of action. Of course, one could create a 'root' ticket and a hierarchy of related issues for this, but this has large potential for error.

It would be great to have hierarchical issue templates, e. g.

Main Ticket
Subticket 1
Subticket 2
Subticket 2-1
Subticket 2-1
Subticket 3

If I create an issue from the template Main Ticket, a total of 6 issues gets created, with the correct relations. Child tickets should inherit some of their parent's settings, like Priority.

As an extension, also relative start and/or due dates as well as different kinds of issue relations could be reflected.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #6715: Issue templatesNew2010-10-20

Actions #1

Updated by Ingmar Heinrich over 16 years ago

I could probably write a plugin. Could someone give me some hints?

Actions #2

Updated by Oleg Lozinskij over 16 years ago

Ingmar Heinrich wrote:

I could probably write a plugin. Could someone give me some hints?

rather for Issue, I think, it would be usefull for Wiki-pages and File/Folder Structures.

Lets assume a company has a defined process, which contains folder structure with document templates in it. This all put into a zip file and for every new project it is unzipped and used...

Sample of structure:
01-project planning
05- ...

each of this folder could have a subfolders with document-templates.

Could this be done?

Actions #3

Updated by Oleg Lozinskij over 16 years ago

Oleg Lozinskij wrote:

Ingmar Heinrich wrote:

I could probably write a plugin. Could someone give me some hints?

rather for Issue, I think, it would be usefull for Wiki-pages and File/Folder Structures.

... back to Issue Templates... sorry, I was to fast with this sentence: after reworking it a bit -- it would be also useful! :)

Actions #5

Updated by Nicholas Korsakov almost 16 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Jamie Schmidt almost 16 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Jamie Schmidt almost 16 years ago

Wanted to add, that it would be nice to have dependencies/behavior on that basis too...
e.g. Feature #123
- WorkItem #1234
- WorkItem #1235
- the percentage of #123 complete would reflect the percent completed of both child items
- the feature (parent item) could not be closed until all child items are closed


Actions #8

Updated by Matthias Siegel over 14 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Terence Mill about 13 years ago


Actions #10

Updated by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

There is a plugin for wiki templates. The fetaure is pretty near and code can be reused or even just advanced to it.
for the plugin extension here


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