Feature #1979
openProvide activity graphs
Redmine has all information to draw activity graphs for a project. It would be the same as
current "/projects/activity/<name>" but using a graph. The X axis would represent time. Ideally there could be
- one line/graph for each kind of activity (tickets, wiki, news...) the use could select what is displayed
- a 'total' graph summarizing it all
And, in a perfect world, it would even be possible to compare activity of different projects on the same graph :)
Updated by Thomas Capricelli over 16 years ago
Somehow related to #1517, but why restric oneself to trackers ? :)
Updated by Thomas Capricelli over 15 years ago
This project (of mine) kind of provide 'activity' for mercurial repositories.
The code is available. I'd be happy to port this to redmine and to display activity for all 'sources' (commits, news, forums, wiki...), but i know nothing about ruby or rails. Despite this, i would be happy to help.
Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago
+1. This would be interesting to see.