Feature #26409
closedShow assignee on gantt
Needless to say, assignee is important information to manage projects. It would be great if assignee is displayed on gantt.
I have found some similar requests on the forum:
Related issues
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 7 years ago
- File show_assignee_on_gantt.patch show_assignee_on_gantt.patch added
- File assignee_on_gantt.png assignee_on_gantt.png added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
- Blocked by Feature #20481: Gantt: right and left resizable panel added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
- Target version set to 4.1.0
I think this is a must-have feature for most gantt users. Setting target version to 4.1.0.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago
I've tested the patch and I've two observations:
1. the patch doesn't apply cleanly on the current trunk (r16948).
2. it'll be nice to have also gravatar shown for the assignee.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago
Go MAEDA wrote:
Marius BALTEANU wrote:
1. the patch doesn't apply cleanly on the current trunk (r16948).
The patch depends on another patch #20481. Could you try again after applying it?
Sorry for the mistake, it seems that my local repository didn't have the latest changes from the trunk. Now the second patch applies cleanly.
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 7 years ago
Marius BALTEANU wrote:
2. it'll be nice to have also gravatar shown for the assignee.
Thank you for your advice.
I changed patch as follows:
--- a/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
@@ -336,7 +336,10 @@ module Redmine
def assigned_to_name(issue, options)
if issue.is_a?(Issue) && options[:format] == :html && issue.assigned_to.present?
style = "position: absolute;top: #{options[:top]}px;"
- assigned_to_name = view.content_tag(:div, view.content_tag(:span, issue.try(:assigned_to).try(:name)), :style => style, :class => 'issue-assigned-name')
+ content = view.avatar(issue.assigned_to,
+ :class => 'gravatar icon-gravatar',
+ :size => 10) + view.link_to_user(issue.assigned_to)
+ assigned_to_name = view.content_tag(:div, content.html_safe, :style => style, :class => 'issue-assigned-name')
@assigned_to_names << assigned_to_name
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 7 years ago
I fixed the patch.
- Compatible the latest trunk.
- Add styles to gravatar like #26410
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
- what's the actual significance of the assignee over other attributes (priority for example, which is in my opinion evenly important as assignee in gantt context)? From this follows that depending on the use, one might have need for every single attribute and/or even custom values, which simply cannot all be implemented
- for the current need to see an issue's assignee, we already have it in the pop-up by hovering over the item bar...
- I think that the use of the option checkboxes like in the patch feels weird as the other two checkboxes switch (JS) functionality (lines) onto the gantt chart bars, while this checkbox switches functionality regarding gantt chart bar attribute columns
I'd like to have some more feedback on this.
Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 7 years ago
Mischa The Evil wrote:
- what's the actual significance of the assignee over other attributes (priority for example, which is in my opinion evenly important as assignee in gantt context)? From this follows that depending on the use, one might have need for every single attribute and/or even custom values, which simply cannot all be implemented
Thank you for your feedback.
As you say, there are other necessary information besides the Assignee.
I think that this issue can be closed if the #27672 feature is realized.
What do you think?
I am writing a patch that realizes the feature of #27672 based on the patch of this issue now.
Updated by Alessandro Zucchi about 7 years ago
Move first in 4.0 ???
Gantt without assignee is no a gantt
Updated by Mischa The Evil about 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #27672: Show selected columns in gantt chart added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Closing this issue because #27672 includes this feature. I hope to commit that patch soon.