



Defect #32183


Notification sub-events for "Issue updated" does not cover all events which consist its parent

Added by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Email notifications
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You can configure notification events in "Administration" > "Settings" > "Select actions for which email notifications should be sent.". In the section, you can see "Issue updated" and its sub-events, "Note added", "Status updated", "Assignee updated", and "Priority updated".

The issue I am going to point out is that the four sub-events don't cover all notification types that handled by the "Issue updated" event. For example, add/remove relations trigger notifications if "Issue updated" is enabled. But there is no such sub-event on the page.

As a result, the following two configurations work differently. I think most users expect that the two configurations work the same. It is confusing.

It is quite misleading. Many users misunderstand that "Issue updated" consists of "Note added", "Status updated", "Assignee updated", and " Priority updated". But "Issue updated" includes some other "hidden" events such as an update of description and a change of relation. Probably users never think that "Issue updated" includes "hidden" events.

My idea to resolve the problem is to add a new sub-event "Other issue attributes updated". This sub-event covers all other events (I mentioned before as "hidden events").

The benefits of adding the sub-event as follows:

  • Users can easily understand that there are some other events that trigger notifications
  • It makes easy for users to find the way to disable unimportant notifications such as "Relation added"
  • Makes things consistent. There are no "hidden" events any longer


Actions #1

Updated by ryou soda almost 5 years ago


So Nice!

Actions #2

Updated by Kohei Nakamura almost 5 years ago


That's an awesome idea. :)
I've never thought of it ("Issue updated" includes "hidden" events).

Actions #3

Updated by Yuuki NARA almost 5 years ago

This will make the email sending condition MECE.

By the way, is Relation updated included in other attributes?
I think it is better to be independent.

Actions #4

Updated by Yuichi HARADA almost 5 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

It is quite misleading. Many users misunderstand that "Issue updated" consists of "Note added", "Status updated", "Assignee updated", and " Priority updated". But "Issue updated" includes some other "hidden" events such as an update of description and a change of relation. Probably users never think that "Issue updated" includes "hidden" events.

My idea to resolve the problem is to add a new sub-event "Other issue attributes updated". This sub-event covers all other events (I mentioned before as "hidden events").

I added "Other issue attributes updated" checkbox. I attached a patch.

Actions #5

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release

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