



Feature #992


Option to search open issues only

Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Search engine
Target version:
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I think two improvements can help a lot:
  • Add filter to search in open tickes only (now it's searching just thru all tickets, which is a bit frustrating when looking for my old tickets on
  • Add information about ticket state in search results - now I even cannot see, if ticket is closd or not

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #4873: Add "advanced features" to search box (as search filter for example)Closed2010-02-18

Related to Redmine - Feature #3912: Add support for AND's and OR's in searchNew2009-09-24

Related to Redmine - Feature #2865: One click filter in search viewClosedJean-Philippe Lang2009-02-28

Related to Redmine - Feature #9063: Searchable comments from "Log time"Closed2011-08-16

Related to Redmine - Feature #4138: Add spent time comments in searchNeeds feedback2009-10-29

Related to Redmine - Feature #13556: Add feature to search engine to distinguish between closed and open ticketsClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #10645: Need an option to omit Closed issues in search resultsClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #10734: Search on Open or Closed IssuesClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Actions #1

Updated by Neil Rodrigues about 16 years ago

I would personally love this feature as well. Often I have to perform searches to see whether or not an issue has already been created. It would be great to be able to filter out all closed issues, or at least for the icon to indicate the issue status (like it does on the Activity page).

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 16 years ago

or at least for the icon to indicate the issue status (like it does on the Activity page)

Done in r2256.

Actions #3

Updated by Neil Rodrigues about 16 years ago

Is there any way you could apply this to the Classic theme too?

Actions #4

Updated by Neil Rodrigues about 16 years ago

Neil Rodrigues wrote:

Is there any way you could apply this to the Classic theme too?

Nevermind. It is there. I just forgot to clear my cache.

Actions #5

Updated by Raphael Sofaer over 14 years ago

Even with a relatively small amount of tickets, not being able to search only open tickets is pretty annoying.

Actions #6

Updated by Gam Ov over 14 years ago

I love Redmine and use it everyday but this is the single most annoying part of the application. You have to filter mentally / manually the closed tickets from the open ones...
I'm actually quite shocked that this is not yet implemented. Is there a way to pledge and donate for a particular feature?

As the number of closed tickets grows, your search result gets polluted by those old tickets and there is more everyday.

Actions #7

Updated by Fernando Hartmann about 14 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Carsten Guthardt-Schulz almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang

Being able to search for open tickets only would really be a great feature. As soon as you have a few hundred tickets (easily reached in most projects) you often get tons of irrelevant (because already solved) results when searching for keywords.
@Jean-Philippe: You implemented the icon two years ago, is there any chance you could add the filter?

Actions #9

Updated by mythos mint over 13 years ago


Actions #10

Updated by Xed Mada about 13 years ago

+1 Search only open or only closed issues would make search actually useful for our team.

Actions #11

Updated by Fernando Hartmann about 13 years ago

Suggestions :-)
  • The search page can use the same filtering mechanism of the issue page (including the options e group by sections), with this we can refine the search using a "familiar" interface for the user.
  • It would be great if the search can be made ignoring accents, in languages like Portuguese we use a lot off then but wen searching you never now if it was used or not.
  • Can use regex for advanced searches .
Actions #12

Updated by Adam Dingle almost 13 years ago

+1. I almost always want to search only open issues and so today I rarely use the search box; I have to go through the filter interface instead, which is cumbersome.

Actions #13

Updated by Terence Mill almost 13 years ago

+1 for improved search otptions from global search

Actions #14

Updated by marm motte over 12 years ago

+1 to what Fernando Hartmann wrote:

Suggestions :-)
  • The search page can use the same filtering mechanism of the issue page (including the options e group by sections), with this we can refine the search using a "familiar" interface for the user.
  • It would be great if the search can be made ignoring accents, in languages like Portuguese we use a lot off then but wen searching you never now if it was used or not.
  • Can use regex for advanced searches .
Actions #15

Updated by Fernando Hartmann about 12 years ago

Please think about this feature !
We that use accented characters have a lot of problems in search because nowadays as the search works, words like Índia , índia , india are different !
To us is very difficult to find something in a big project, because you never now how people wrote the name.
Please solve this issue in the next version.
Thanks for your great work.

Actions #16

Updated by Fernando Hartmann about 12 years ago

Fernando Hartmann wrote:

Please think about this feature !
We that use accented characters have a lot of problems in search because nowadays as the search works, words like Índia , índia , india are different !
To us is very difficult to find something in a big project, because you never now how people wrote the name.

Ok, my bad ..
This was happening by a misleading on Redmine/MySQL configuration. I had in Redmine Latin1 configured and on MySQL UTF8, after the correction the searches are ok.
But my vote to this Issue is still valid because we need a better way to refine the queries over huge bases of issues.

Actions #17

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago

Well I would agree that the search could be pretty improved.

Actions #18

Updated by Lu Pon almost 12 years ago


Actions #19

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4138: Add spent time comments in search added
Actions #20

Updated by Arnis Juraga about 11 years ago

+1 to #10734 - is is really hard to list all issues in "global search", even on redmine org - if I want to search only for open issues. Even when I searched for issues with #10734 subject - a lot of "closed" unneeded issues.

Actions #21

Updated by Daniel Widerin almost 11 years ago

+1 to this and #10734, any news?

Actions #22

Updated by Kevin Palm over 10 years ago


Actions #23

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Add more search options to Option to search open issues only
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 3.0.0
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Feature added in r13858.

Actions #24

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #10734: Search on Open or Closed Issues)
Actions #25

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

Actions #26

Updated by Go MAEDA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #13556: Add feature to search engine to distinguish between closed and open tickets added

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