


Redmine 0.9.2 released

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago

This bug fix release can be found at Rubyforge.


Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago

Looks like 0.9.2 still needs a tag.

Eric Davis

Added by QualiConsult Brazil almost 15 years ago

I would like that upgrade from 8.x was describe for us, because in, doesn't work with 8.x.

Added by Johannes Koch almost 15 years ago

Which bugs have been fixed?

Added by Tyler Mulligan almost 15 years ago

Added by Bionexo do Brasil Ltda. almost 15 years ago

I took a little problem and I hope you can help me.
I was upgrading from 0.8.1 to 0.9.2 and at the moment of database migrate, I receive this error:

(in /opt/redmine-0.9.2)
  • Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
  • Invoke environment (first_time)
  • Execute environment
  • Execute db:migrate
    SetCustomFieldsEditable: migrating ======================================
    rake aborted!
    An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'editable' in 'field list': UPDATE `custom_fields` SET editable = 0 WHERE ( (`custom_fields`.`type` = 'UserCustomField' ) )

I follow step by step the RedmineUpgrade paper, but I'm not be able follow with the upgranding.

Can anyone help me in this task?

My regards

Added by Bionexo do Brasil Ltda. almost 15 years ago

Added by Stas SUSHKOV almost 15 years ago

Still no updates on #3780.