Redmine 1.0.0 released
The first release candidate for Redmine 1.0 has been released to Rubyforge. This is a major release which includes many new features and bugfixes since the last major release, (0.9 in 2010-01-09).
This is still considered a release candidate (RC) release. The code has been stabilized over the past 6 weeks and we believe it is ready to be tested in production, but there still might be some rough edges. We are using this release to get some for final feedback, both for 1.0.1 (bug fixes) and our next major release 1.1.0.
When you are ready to upgrade, the upgrade documentation has been updated and we have people in the forums and IRC channel to help out.
Finally, I personally wanted to thank everyone who has helped Redmine over the past four years. Without everyone's contribution, the project wouldn't be as awesome as it is now. Thank you.
Eric Davis
Great! Just one thing, don't know if it has already been discussed : if it's a 1.0.0(RC), there shoud be a "1.0 - final". RC could mean it's not totally stable. Maybe we should rename 1.0.1 so that it becomes 1.0 "final".
I am also confused. I would expect a 1.0.0 release to be final and not a release candidate.
1.0.0 = 1.0 RC
1.0.1 = 1.0 Final
Fantastic work JPLang and group!
We're using Redmine 0.9.2 with following plugins:I tried an upgrade with out existing database, but it gave so many failures during database upgrade (rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production). After so many hours searching on the Internet and chatting on IRC, Macro123 on IRC informed about a script on I tried it and database upgrade was successful.
And your new Sub-tasking works very well; but it could be better if you can incorporate following:Thanks in advanced.
Jean-Baptiste Barth and Anton Pussep:
Sorry for the confusing with the version numbers. I'm going to be following Semantic Versioning starting with 1.0.1 which will help to make things easier to understand.
Amil Waduwawara:
It would be best if you brought these points up in the forums. It's difficult to have a conversation with the News comments since they don't notify anyone when a new comment is posted.
Eric Davis
Thanks Eric Davis for your suggestion.
I copied the points to forums/features as appropriate: