


New Redmine Plugins Directory online

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 14 years ago

With a growing number of Redmine Plugins, it was time to have a more sophisticated directory than the current Plugin list.
The new Directory is now avaible at

Developers can register and update their plugins using their account.
The old plugin list is now locked and may be removed in a few weeks.


Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

Great, thanks for putting this together. Any chance this code is open source or has an API? I have 80+ plugins I'd like to add but I don't want to click through all of the pages.

Eric Davis

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 14 years ago

The XML API should work.

class RedminePlugin < ActiveResource::Base = ''
  self.collection_name = 'plugins'
  self.user = 'user'
  self.password = 'password'

RedminePlugin.create(:name => 'Foo', :identifier => 'foo', :description => 'This is my plugin.')

Added by Enrique Garcia over 14 years ago

Hi Jean-Philippe,

The "search" box doesn't seem to be working. Try looking for "bots", for example; the results allways come out empty.

I could not find an issue tracker for this (plugin? appliance?). Let me know if I need to open it somewhere.

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 14 years ago

I'll fix it. For such problems, you can create an issue with category set to "Website (".


Added by Enrique Garcia over 14 years ago

Created #6812 for this and assigned to Jean-Philippe.

Added by Jorge Ramos about 14 years ago

Hi Jean-Philippe, nice work!

Sure now we get a more powerful list but scroll by several pages is not good. Maybe I didn't know how to setup the number of plugins per page. Is there a way to show a lot of plugins per page?


Added by Jean-Philippe Lang about 14 years ago

Is there a way to show a lot of plugins per page?

Not for now, 10 plugins per page only.

Added by Dmitry Babenko about 14 years ago

Each plugin must provide one or more full size screenshots.

Added by shreya bhatt about 13 years ago

Great, thanks for putting this together. Any chance this code is open source or has an API? I have 80+ plugins I'd like to add but I don't want to click through all of the pages.