


Redmine 1.2.0 released

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 13 years ago

Redmine 1.2.0 was released today and is available for download at Rubyforge.

This release brings many new features and improvements (including private issues, more customizable workflow, custom fields referencing users and versions, user deletion, time entries bulk edition) and fixes more than 60 defects. You can review the list of all changes here.

Note that Redmine now runs with Rails 2.3.11 (See RedmineInstall or RedmineUpgrade), you can install it with:

gem install rails -v=2.3.11

Thanks to all active contributors and translators who made Redmine 1.2.0 possible.


Added by Steffen Triple X over 13 years ago

After upgrading to 1.2.0 the webbrowser shows only pure HTML code. What's wrong?

Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 13 years ago

May be you should refresh sessions

Added by Zygmunt Krynicki over 13 years ago

OpenID authentication is broken in this release

Added by Emanuele Tomeo over 13 years ago

After upgrading to 1.2.0, Mongrel could not start.
In this case refer here:

Added by Eduardo Mauro over 13 years ago

I have the same problem as Steffen. I refreshed sessions as described in the upgrade instructions.

Added by Oleg Agafonov over 13 years ago

Steffen Ph, Eduardo Mauro

That's "plain/text" compatibility bug with mongrel and rails 2.3.11. See issues #7688 and #8476 for more info and patch.

Added by Steffen Triple X over 13 years ago

Thanks, i will try the update next weekend.