


Plugins Directory » Reorder links arbitrary

Author: Vitaly Klimov
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2012-02-24 (almost 13 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.7
Compatible with: Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x
User ratings:   (0)

Redmine reorder links arbitrary plugin

Reorder links arbitrary is a Redmine plugin that allows to change position of item in Redmine enumerations lists (trackers, custom fields, etc) to any position

It is very convenient if you have a lot of custom fields and want to rearrange them in specific order because without plugin it is possible to move items only at one position at a time

Possible actions

Plugin adds extra button to the sort column of the existing Redmine enumerations.

In the popup dialog it is possible to specify relative or absolute position of item in the list

If number starts with + or - signs then item will move to the position relative to the current (negative - higher, positive - lower)
If number is number without any + or - prefixes then item will be placed at the specified position (1 means topmost)

For example, +4 will move item to 4 positions lower its current position, and 3 will make item third in the list

System files modifications

  • Plugin adds a new method move_to_pos to the acts_as_list plugin
  • Plugin extends ApplicationHelper' function reorder_links

Please be aware that plugin works only in production mode

Installation notes

  • Does not work in development mode


0.0.7 (2012-06-20)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x.

  • Redmine 2.x (Rails 3.x) compatibility added

0.0.6 (2012-02-24)

Compatible with Redmine 1.2.x, 1.3.x.