


Defect #25702 » wiki_crash.txt

Leon Blakey, 2017-04-26 14:49

Using the APH History file as an example, the line should look like this:

     APH History.brf (File Name and extension)  Pos: 0  Size: 259KB  Date: 11-12-2015  Unprotected 

Only one column is displayed per line (with panning as necessary). Pressing Left or Right Arrow moves to the previous or next column heading (file information). When you exit a file, you are returned to the same place and column in the File Manager.

h4. File Manager Commands 

Following are commands you can use in the File Manager. Most of the commands for files also work for folders. 

|_. To... |_. Press |_. Here's why and/or additional information |
| Open a file or folder | Select or Dot 8 | Pressing Select or Dot 8 opens the file or folder. |
| Open a file or folder | Select or Dot 8 | Pressing Select or Dot 8 opens the file or folder. |
| Go to previous or next file or folder | Up or Down Arrow | Pressing Up or Down Arrow moves to the previous or next file in the list. |
| Go back one folder level | Dot 7 | Dot 7 acts like a "back" key to exit the current activity. If you are already in the File Manager, pressing Dot 7 moves the focus back one level when you have mulitple subfolders open. 
If you are at the root level, Dot 7 does nothing. If you are in one of the columns of information, for example size or date, then pressing Dot 7 returns to the filename. |
| Move through file information | Left or Right Arrow | This command moves you through the file information by headings. See [[User3#File Manager|File Manager]] section for more information. |
| Open the Menu | Select + Up Arrow | Pressing Select + Up Arrow opens the menu. |
| Scroll text | Left or Right Panning keys| If the file name is longer than the display, panning left or right displays more of the file name. When you get to the end of the file name, pressing the panning key moves you to the next item of file information, such as position, size, date, and so on.|
| Make a New File | Space + N (Dots 1 3 4 5) | The New File command starts the Editor mode with a new file in which to type. To exit the Editor, press Select, Select. |
| Make a New Folder | Space + O (Dots 1 3 5) | The New Folder command opens the Edit Box where you may type the name of the new folder. Pressing Dot 8 saves the folder name and returns you to the file list with that folder selected. If you do not name the folder, pressing Select names the folder as New Folder. Press Select to exit without making a new folder.|
| Delete a file or folder | Space + D (Dots 1 4 5) | This action deletes the currently selected file(s) or folder(s). Only empty folders can be deleted. A confirmation is required before the file or folder is deleted. When the message "-- Confirm action" is displayed, press Select or Dot 8 to confirm; press Dot 7 to cancel. |
| Rename a file or folder| Space + R (Dots 1 2 3 5) | The Rename File command allows you to change the name of a file or folder. To use it, press the Rename command. Orbit Reader responds with an Edit Box containing the original file or folder name. Edit the name or type a new one and press Dot 8. Press Select to exit without renaming a file or folder.|
| Cut a file | Space + X (Dots 1 3 4 6) | This action cuts the currently selected file(s) from their location and places it(them) on the clipboard to be used with the paste command. |
| Copy a file | Space + C (Dots 1 4) | The Copy File command makes a copy of the currently selected file(s) and places it(them) on the clipboard to be used with the paste command. |
| Paste a file | Space + V (Dots 1 2 3 6) | This action pastes the file(s) or folder(s) that are currently on the clipboard into the current location in the File Manager. If no file or folder is on the clipboard, no action is taken. |
| Mark a file | Space + M (Dots 1 3 4) | When moving multiple files, use the Mark File command to mark each individual file before using Cut, Copy, or Delete. To Mark a file, arrow to it and press Space + M. 
To clear a marked file, press Space + M again.
File Manager indicates marked files by raising Dots 7 and 8 of the first letter of the file name. |
| Protect or unprotect a file | Space + P (Dots 1 2 3 4) | To protect a file from accidental changes, arrow to the file and press Space + P. To remove the protected status, select the file and press Space + P again. To determine if a file is Protected, arrow Right or Left to the Unprotected/Protected heading. |
| Edit the current file | Space + E (Dots 1 5) | When editing the current file, the Orbit Reader switches to an Edit mode, which is indicated by a cursor at the point of input. The cursor is at the first character shown on the display when you pressed the edit command. As you type, everything is saved to the file. To exit, press Select, Select. See [[User3#The Editor|The Editor]] section for more information. |
| Edit Last Edited File | Space + Dots 1 2 4 6 | Using this command reopens the last file you edited and returns the cursor to its last position in that file. The Edit Last Edited File command is useful for taking notes on what you read. Use the command to quickly switch back to the Editor. Then close the Editor to return to the title you are reading. This command has no effect if you are already editing a file. The device displays the error message "-- File not found" when no previous file has been opened. Press Select, Select to return to the file you were r|