1619 |
1619 |
1620 |
1620 |
unless @copied_from.leaf? || @copy_options[:subtasks] == false
1621 |
1621 |
copy_options = (@copy_options || {}).merge(:subtasks => false)
1622 |
copied_issue_ids = {@copied_from.id => self.id}
1622 |
copied_issues = {@copied_from.id => self}
1623 |
1623 |
@copied_from.reload.descendants.reorder("#{Issue.table_name}.lft").each do |child|
1624 |
1624 |
# Do not copy self when copying an issue as a descendant of the copied issue
1625 |
1625 |
next if child == self
1626 |
1626 |
# Do not copy subtasks of issues that were not copied
1627 |
next unless copied_issue_ids[child.parent_id]
1627 |
next unless copied_issues[child.parent_id]
1628 |
1628 |
# Do not copy subtasks that are not visible to avoid potential disclosure of private data
1629 |
1629 |
unless child.visible?
1630 |
1630 |
logger.error "Subtask ##{child.id} was not copied during ##{@copied_from.id} copy because it is not visible to the current user" if logger
... | ... | |
1636 |
1636 |
1637 |
1637 |
copy.author = author
1638 |
1638 |
copy.project = project
1639 |
copy.parent_issue_id = copied_issue_ids[child.parent_id]
1639 |
copy.parent_issue_id = copied_issues[child.parent_id].id
1640 |
1640 |
unless copy.save
1641 |
1641 |
logger.error "Could not copy subtask ##{child.id} while copying ##{@copied_from.id} to ##{id} due to validation errors: #{copy.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}" if logger
1642 |
1642 |
1643 |
1643 |
1644 |
copied_issue_ids[child.id] = copy.id
1644 |
copied_issues[child.id] = copy
1645 |
1646 |
1647 |
# Replicate dependencies between copied children
1648 |
@copied_from.reload.descendants.reorder("#{Issue.table_name}.lft").each do |child|
1649 |
copy = copied_issues[child.id]
1650 |
next unless copy
1651 |
child.relations_to.each do |rel|
1652 |
next unless copied_issues.key?(rel.issue_from.id)
1653 |
from = Issue.find_by_id(copied_issues[rel.issue_from.id].id)
1654 |
next unless from
1655 |
relation = IssueRelation.new(:issue_from => from, :issue_to => copy, :relation_type => rel.relation_type)
1656 |
unless relation.save
1657 |
logger.error "Could not create relation while copying ##{child.id} to ##{copy.id} due to validation errors: #{relation.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}" if logger
1658 |
1659 |
1645 |
1660 |
1646 |
1661 |
1647 |
1662 |
@after_create_from_copy_handled = true