554 |
554 |
enumeration_doc_categories: Dokumento kategorijos
555 |
555 |
enumeration_activities: Veiklos (laiko sekimas)
556 |
556 |
label_display_per_page: '%s įrašų puslapyje'
557 |
setting_per_page_options: Objects per page options
557 |
setting_per_page_options: Įrašų puslapyje nustatimas
558 |
558 |
notice_default_data_loaded: Numatytoji konfiguracija sėkmingai užkrauta.
559 |
559 |
label_age: Amžius
560 |
560 |
label_general: Bendri
... | ... | |
578 |
578 |
label_message_posted: Pranešimas pridėtas
579 |
579 |
label_file_added: Byla pridėta
580 |
580 |
label_news_added: Naujiena pridėta
581 |
project_module_boards: Boards
582 |
project_module_issue_tracking: Issue tracking
581 |
project_module_boards: Forumai
582 |
project_module_issue_tracking: Darbu pėdsekys
583 |
583 |
project_module_wiki: Wiki
584 |
project_module_files: Files
585 |
project_module_documents: Documents
586 |
project_module_repository: Repository
587 |
project_module_news: News
588 |
project_module_time_tracking: Time tracking
589 |
text_file_repository_writable: File repository writable
590 |
text_default_administrator_account_changed: Default administrator account changed
591 |
text_rmagick_available: RMagick available (optional)
592 |
button_configure: Configure
584 |
project_module_files: Rinkmenos
585 |
project_module_documents: Dokumentai
586 |
project_module_repository: Saugykla
587 |
project_module_news: Žinios
588 |
project_module_time_tracking: Laiko pėdsekys
589 |
text_file_repository_writable: Į rinkmenu saugyklą galima saugoti (RW)
590 |
text_default_administrator_account_changed: Administratoriaus numatyta paskyra pakeista
591 |
text_rmagick_available: RMagick pasiekiamas (pasirinktinai)
592 |
button_configure: Konfiguruoti
593 |
593 |
label_plugins: Plugins
594 |
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP authentication
595 |
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
596 |
label_this_month: this month
597 |
label_last_n_days: last %d days
598 |
label_all_time: all time
599 |
label_this_year: this year
600 |
label_date_range: Date range
601 |
label_last_week: last week
602 |
label_yesterday: yesterday
603 |
label_last_month: last month
604 |
label_add_another_file: Add another file
605 |
label_optional_description: Optional description
606 |
text_destroy_time_entries_question: %.02f hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
607 |
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'The issue was not found or does not belong to this project'
608 |
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours to the project
609 |
text_destroy_time_entries: Delete reported hours
610 |
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
611 |
setting_activity_days_default: Days displayed on project activity
612 |
label_chronological_order: In chronological order
613 |
field_comments_sorting: Display comments
614 |
label_reverse_chronological_order: In reverse chronological order
615 |
label_preferences: Preferences
616 |
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
617 |
label_overall_activity: Overall activity
618 |
setting_default_projects_public: New projects are public by default
619 |
error_scm_annotate: "The entry does not exist or can not be annotated."
620 |
label_planning: Planning
621 |
text_subprojects_destroy_warning: 'Its subproject(s): %s will be also deleted.'
622 |
label_and_its_subprojects: %s and its subprojects
594 |
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP autentifikacija
595 |
label_downloads_abbr: siunt.
596 |
label_this_month: šis menuo
597 |
label_last_n_days: paskutinių %d dienų
598 |
label_all_time: visas laikas
599 |
label_this_year: šiemet
600 |
label_date_range: Dienų diapazonas
601 |
label_last_week: paskutinė savaitė
602 |
label_yesterday: vakar
603 |
label_last_month: paskutinis menuo
604 |
label_add_another_file: Pridėti kitą bylą
605 |
label_optional_description: Apibūdinimas (laisvai pasirenkamas)
606 |
text_destroy_time_entries_question: Naikinamam darbui paskelbta %.02f valandų. Ką jūs noryte su jomis daryti?
607 |
error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Darbas nerastas arba nesurištas su šiuo projektu'
608 |
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Priskirti valandas prie projekto
609 |
text_destroy_time_entries: Ištrinti paskelbtas valandas
610 |
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Priskirti paskelbtas valandas šiam darbui:'
611 |
setting_activity_days_default: Atvaizduojamos dienos projekto veikloje
612 |
label_chronological_order: Chronologine tvarka
613 |
field_comments_sorting: rodyti komentarus
614 |
label_reverse_chronological_order: Atbuline chronologine tvarka
615 |
label_preferences: Savybės
616 |
setting_display_subprojects_issues: Pagal nutylėjimą rodyti subprojektų darbus pagrindiniame projekte
617 |
label_overall_activity: Visa veikla
618 |
setting_default_projects_public: Naujas projektas viešas pagal nutylėjimą
619 |
error_scm_annotate: "Įrašas neegzituoja arba negalima jo atvaizduoti."
620 |
label_planning: Planavimas
621 |
text_subprojects_destroy_warning: 'Šis(ie) subprojektas(ai): %s taip pat bus ištrintas(i).'
622 |
label_and_its_subprojects: %s projektas ir jo subprojektai
623 |