44 |
44 |
def register(&block)
45 |
45 |
class_eval(&block) if block_given?
46 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
49 |
# Defines a new macro with the given name and block.
50 |
50 |
def macro(name, &block)
51 |
51 |
name = name.to_sym if name.is_a?(String)
... | ... | |
54 |
54 |
raise "Can not create a macro without a block!" unless block_given?
55 |
55 |
Definitions.send :define_method, "macro_#{name}".downcase, &block
56 |
56 |
57 |
57 |
58 |
58 |
# Sets description for the next macro to be defined
59 |
59 |
def desc(txt)
60 |
60 |
@@desc = txt
61 |
61 |
62 |
62 |
63 |
63 |
64 |
64 |
# Builtin macros
65 |
65 |
desc "Sample macro."
66 |
66 |
macro :hello_world do |obj, args|
67 |
67 |
"Hello world! Object: #{obj.class.name}, " + (args.empty? ? "Called with no argument." : "Arguments: #{args.join(', ')}")
68 |
68 |
69 |
69 |
70 |
70 |
desc "Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available."
71 |
71 |
macro :macro_list do
72 |
72 |
out = ''
... | ... | |
102 |
102 |
103 |
103 |
104 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
# Inserts an alphabetic list of all wiki pages into the output.
109 |
110 |
# Accepts a prefix string as parameter: if provided, only pages with names that start with the prefix
111 |
# are included in the resulting list. If this parameter is omitted, all pages are listed.
112 |
113 |
114 |
desc "Inserts an alphabetic list of all wiki pages into the output. \n\n !{{title_list(title-prefix)}}\n\n "
115 |
macro :title_list do |obj, args|
116 |
filter = "#{args.first}%"
117 |
limit = 20 || args.second
118 |
out = ''
119 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
120 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title like ?",filter],
121 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
122 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
123 |
:order => 'title',
124 |
:limit => limit)
125 |
@pages.each do |page|
126 |
out << content_tag('li',link_to(page.pretty_title, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
127 |
128 |
content_tag('ul', out)
129 |
130 |
131 |
# This generates a breadcrumb bar from a dash separated list of elements from page title
132 |
# Analysis-UseCase-ManagingSamples => 3 level table of links
133 |
134 |
# {{#breadcrumb(title)}}
135 |
136 |
desc "split title as dash separates into also labeled links to parent pages \n\n !{{breadcrumb(title)}}\n\n "
137 |
macro :breadcrumb do |obj, args|
138 |
filter = "#{args.first}"
139 |
crumbs =filter.split("-")
140 |
crumbs = crumbs.each_index{|x|crumbs[x]="#{crumbs[x-1]}-#{crumbs[x]}" if x>0}.collect{|i|"'#{i}'"}
141 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
142 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title in (#{crumbs.join(',')})"],
143 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
144 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
145 |
:order => 'title')
146 |
out = []
147 |
@pages.each do |page|
148 |
text = page.title.split("-").last
149 |
out << content_tag('span',link_to(WikiPage.pretty_title(text), {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
150 |
151 |
content_tag('p', out.join(">"),{:class=>'breadcrumb'})
152 |
153 |
154 |
# {{title_menu(prefix,depth,max,style)}}
155 |
# prefix for pages
156 |
# max number in menu defaults to 20
157 |
# css style to use defaults to toc
158 |
159 |
# Buils a Toc style menu out of child pages
160 |
# This builds a vertial menu of items based on a prefix
161 |
162 |
# {{title_menu(Analysis-UseCase-,10,'toc right')}}
163 |
164 |
# This would find all pages with the prefix 'title_menu(Analysis-UseCase-' and generate a toc right style menu of these
165 |
# sorted by name with the prefix removed. limited to first 10 matches
166 |
167 |
desc "Inserts an alphabetic menu of all wiki pages into the output. \n\n !{{title_menu(title-prefix,level,max,css-sytle)}}\n\n "
168 |
macro :title_menu do |obj, args|
169 |
filter = "#{args.first}"
170 |
top = filter.count("-")
171 |
depth= args[1].to_i+1
172 |
limit = args[2]||50
173 |
style = args[3]||'toc'
174 |
out = ''
175 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
176 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title like ?","#{filter}%"],
177 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
178 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
179 |
:order => 'title')
180 |
181 |
@pages.each do |page|
182 |
elements = page.title.split("-")
183 |
level = elements.size - top
184 |
level = elements.size - top -1
185 |
text = (level>0 ? "-"*level : '')+ " "+ elements.last
186 |
text = text.gsub(/\_/," ")
187 |
text = text.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/,'\1 \2')
188 |
unless level> depth
189 |
out << content_tag('li',link_to(text, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
190 |
191 |
192 |
content_tag('ul', out,{:class=>style})
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
# {{title_bar(prefix,depth,max,style)}}
197 |
# prefix for pages
198 |
# max number in menu defaults to 20
199 |
# css style to use defaults to toc
200 |
201 |
# Buils a single row table links to child pages
202 |
203 |
# {{title_bar(Analysis-UseCase-,1exit,10,'table')}}
204 |
205 |
# This would find all pages with the prefix 'title_menu(Analysis-UseCase-' and generate a toc right style menu of these
206 |
# sorted by name with the prefix removed. limited to first 10 matches
207 |
208 |
desc "Inserts an alphabetic menu of all wiki pages into the output.\n\n !{{title_bar(title-prefix,level,max,css-sytle)}}\n\n "
209 |
macro :title_bar do |obj, args|
210 |
filter = "#{args.first}"
211 |
top = filter.count("-")
212 |
depth= args[1].to_i+1
213 |
limit = args[2]||50
214 |
style = args[3]||'menu_bar'
215 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
216 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title like ?","#{filter}%"],
217 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
218 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
219 |
:order => 'title',
220 |
:limit => limit)
221 |
cell = ""
222 |
out = ''
223 |
@pages.each do |page|
224 |
elements = page.title.split("-")
225 |
level = elements.size - top -1
226 |
text = (level>0 ? "-"*level : '')+ " "+ elements.last
227 |
text = text.gsub(/\_/," ")
228 |
text = text.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/,'\1 \2')
229 |
if level <= depth
230 |
if level>= top
231 |
cell << content_tag('li',link_to(text, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
232 |
233 |
out << content_tag("td",content_tag("ul",cell,{:class=>style})) if cell.size>0
234 |
cell = content_tag('li',link_to(text, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
out << content_tag("td",content_tag("ul",cell,{:class=>style})) if cell.size>0
239 |
content_tag('table', content_tag("tr",out),{:class=>style})
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
desc "title_index boxed up titles by letter to create a glossary or index \n\n !{{title_menu(title-prefix,columns,max)}}\n\n "
244 |
macro :title_index do |obj, args|
245 |
filter = "#{args.first}"
246 |
top = filter.count("-")
247 |
columns = args[1].to_i||4
248 |
limit = args[2]||1000
249 |
style = args[3]||'menu_bar'
250 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
251 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title like ?","#{filter}%"],
252 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
253 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
254 |
:order => 'title',
255 |
:limit => limit)
256 |
cell = {}
257 |
out = ''
258 |
@pages.each do |page|
259 |
text = page.title
260 |
text[filter]='' if text[filter]
261 |
letter =text.first
262 |
old ||= letter
263 |
text = text.gsub(/\_/," ")
264 |
text = text.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/,'\1 \2')
265 |
cell[letter] ||= ""
266 |
cell[letter] << content_tag('li',link_to(text, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
267 |
268 |
row =""
269 |
270 |
for key in cell.keys.sort do
271 |
row << content_tag("td",content_tag("strong",key) << content_tag("ul",cell[key],{:class=>style}))
272 |
273 |
if n>=columns
274 |
out << content_tag("tr",row)
275 |
row =""
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
out << content_tag("tr",row) if row.size>0
280 |
content_tag('table', content_tag("tr",out),{:class=>style})
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
# Lists all pages that have recently been modified, grouping them by the day they were last modified.
286 |
287 |
# This macro accepts two parameters. The first is a prefix string: if provided, only pages with
288 |
# names that start with the prefix are included in the resulting list. If this parameter
289 |
# is omitted, all pages are listed.
290 |
291 |
292 |
desc " Lists all pages that have recently been modified, grouping them by the day they were last modified"
293 |
macro :recent_changes do |obj, args|
294 |
filter = "#{args.first}%"
295 |
limit = 5||args.second
296 |
out = ''
297 |
@pages = @wiki.pages.find(:all,
298 |
:conditions => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title like ?",filter],
299 |
:select => "#{WikiPage.table_name}.*, #{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on",
300 |
:joins => "LEFT JOIN #{WikiContent.table_name} ON #{WikiContent.table_name}.page_id = #{WikiPage.table_name}.id",
301 |
:order => "#{WikiContent.table_name}.updated_on desc",
302 |
:limit => limit)
303 |
@pages.each do |page|
304 |
out << content_tag('li',link_to(page.pretty_title, {:action => 'index',:page => page.title}))
305 |
306 |
content_tag('ul', out)
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
# Issues Lists
311 |
312 |
313 |
desc "Lists Issues. Example:\n\n !{{issue_list(tracker,category,status,user,max) }}\n\n"
314 |
macro :issue_list do |obj, args|
315 |
316 |
317 |
conditions << " trackers.name like '#{args[1]}%'" unless args[0].blank?
318 |
conditions << " issue_categories.name like '#{args[1]}%'" unless args[1].blank?
319 |
conditions << " issue_statuses.name like '#{args[2]}%'" unless args[2].blank?
320 |
conditions << " users.login like '#{args[3]}%'" unless args[3].blank?
321 |
limit = 10||args[3]
322 |
out = ''
323 |
@issues = @project.issues.find(:all,
324 |
:conditions => conditions.join(" and "),
325 |
:include=>[:status,:tracker,:assigned_to,:category],:order=>'issues.id desc',:limit => limit)
326 |
@issues.each do |issue|
327 |
item = "<b>#{issue.id}</b> [#{issue.status.name}/#{issue.assigned_to.login}] #{issue.subject}"
328 |
out << content_tag('li',link_to(item, {:controller=>'issues',:action => 'show',:id => issue.id}))
329 |
330 |
content_tag('ul', out)
331 |
332 |
333 |
# Free format issues query with name=value based parameter to filters to apply
334 |
335 |
336 |
desc "Query Issues. Example:\n\n !{{issue_query(tracker=dddd&category=dsdd&status=dddd&owner=ssss&max=10) }}\n\n"
337 |
macro :issue_query do |obj, args|
338 |
params ={}
339 |
args.collect do |v|
340 |
key,value = v.split("=")
341 |
params[key] = value
342 |
343 |
344 |
conditions << " trackers.name like '#{params['tracker']}%'" unless params['tracker'].blank?
345 |
conditions << " issue_categories.name like '#{params['category']}%'" unless params['category'].blank?
346 |
conditions << " issue_statuses.name like '#{params['status']}%'" unless params['status'].blank?
347 |
conditions << " users.login like '#params['owner']}%'" unless params['owner'].blank?
348 |
if params[:order]
349 |
order = params[:order]
350 |
351 |
order = 'issues.id desc'
352 |
353 |
limit = 10 || params['max']
354 |
out = ''
355 |
@issues = @project.issues.find(:all,
356 |
:conditions => conditions.join(" and "),
357 |
:order => order,
358 |
359 |
:limit => limit)
360 |
361 |
@issues.each do |issue|
362 |
item = "<b>#{issue.id}</b> [#{issue.status.name}/#{issue.assigned_to.login}] #{issue.subject}"
363 |
out << content_tag('li',link_to(item, {:controller=>'issues',:action => 'show',:id => issue.id}))
364 |
365 |
content_tag('ul', out)
366 |
367 |
368 |
# Simple metre
369 |
370 |
desc "Count Issues. Example:\n !{{issue_count(tracker=xxx,category=xxx,status=xxxx) }}\n\n "
371 |
macro :issue_count do |obj, args|
372 |
params ={}
373 |
args.collect do |v|
374 |
key,value = v.split("=")
375 |
params[key] = value
376 |
377 |
378 |
conditions << " trackers.name like '#{params['tracker']}%'" unless params['tracker'].blank?
379 |
conditions << " issue_categories.name like '#{params['category']}%'" unless params['category'].blank?
380 |
conditions << " issue_statuses.name like '#{params['status']}%'" unless params['status'].blank?
381 |
conditions << " users.login like '#params['owner']}%'" unless params['owner'].blank?
382 |
383 |
num = @project.issues.count(
384 |
:conditions => conditions.join(" and "),
385 |
386 |
content_tag('b', "#{num}")
387 |
388 |
105 |
389 |
106 |
390 |
107 |
391 |