Connecting to database specified by database.yml Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Migrating to Setup (1) Migrating to IssueMove (2) Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method Group.sorted. Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method User.sorted. Started GET "/" for at Tue May 14 14:50:34 -0400 2013 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 16ms ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (TinyTds::Error: Invalid object name 'settings'.: EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT MAX(updated_on) AS max_id FROM [settings]'): app/models/setting.rb:152:in `check_cache' app/controllers/application_controller.rb:85:in `user_setup' Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method Group.sorted. Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method User.sorted. Started GET "/" for at Tue May 14 14:55:04 -0400 2013 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 16ms ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (TinyTds::Error: Invalid object name 'settings'.: EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT MAX(updated_on) AS max_id FROM [settings]'): app/models/setting.rb:152:in `check_cache' app/controllers/application_controller.rb:85:in `user_setup' Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store. Migrating to Setup (1) Migrating to IssueMove (2) Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store.