


Using redmine as project management software

Added by Martin Freiberger about 15 years ago


in our company we use Redmine since more then a year mostly as bugtracker for the customers and the internal testing. We very like the Redmine software and i want to say a "Thank you for your great work" to the Redmine developers ;-)

We now would like to use Redmine also as a tool for managing our software developing and to keep track of the versions the customers have. But this gives us some problems that are maybe to big to solve in Redmine (Our requirements originate in the SAP System that we use to develop and in that we develop)
If it is not possible to solve our needs in Redmine, then i need to look for another software instead of Redmine and maybe someone has an idea which would fit our needs best?

Despite some minor problems, we had with Redmine two big problems:

1) No "real" Versions
What is called "versions" in Redmine are more "Milestones" and not versions. There is a big discussion in the forum about that different. In fact we need versions in the way that a developing ticket (e.g. "ToDo","Feature","Developing"-Tracker) started with a version and ends with a versions. This ticket should be visible in all versions between starting and ending version. Because of this, the versions should have also a defined sequence.

2) No "real" version history
If a version is closed, this versions should hold all tickets assigned to it as a (sort of) snapshot. That means that, even if a ticket changes in a later version, in that closed version, the ticket should remain in the status as it was at the time the versions was closed.

Has someone an idea how to solve those two problems?

A smaller solution would be to add a second version field to the tickets and to add an function that copies all open tickets to the next version, at the moment the former version is closed. The newly created ticket should be linked to the older ticket and should have the whole history of those older ticket.

Replies (2)

RE: Using redmine as project management software - Added by Martin Freiberger about 15 years ago

"Using redmine as project management software"

thats not exact, i should say

"Using redmine as a version control system"
