Attachment Model Patch doesn't work
Added by Dirk König almost 15 years ago
I'm writing a plugin, which patches the attachment model. My idea is to have the uploaded attachment's in separate subdirectories for each project. For example if I want to upload "test.txt" in project "Test" (with project id 2), i want to find the attachment in:
So my idea is to patch the attachment.rb with a plugin:
require_dependency 'attachment' module MyAttachmentPatch def self.included(base) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.class_eval do unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development alias_method_chain :diskfile, :project_path end end module InstanceMethods def diskfile_with_project_path path = "#{self.storage_path}/#{self.project.identifier}/#{self.disk_filename}" # path = "#{@@storage_path}/#{self.project.identifier}/#{self.disk_filename}" Dir.mkdirs(path) unless path end end end Attachment.send(:include, MyAttachmentPatch)
My init.rb looks like:
begin if Dir.pwd.split('/').last == 'public' # Apache Workaroung (Apache has the public folder as working dir) require '../config/initializers/session_store.rb' else # Webrick Workaround require 'config/initializers/session_store.rb' end rescue LoadError end require 'redmine' require 'application' ... require 'code_lib_attachment_patch' ActionView::Base.send :include, CodeLibHelper::PublicMethods Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_code_lib do name 'Redmine test plugin' author 'test' description 'test' version '0.0.1' delete_menu_item :project_menu, :roadmap permission :version_extensions, {:version_extensions => [:index, :edit, :show]}, :public => true menu :project_menu, :version_extensions, { :controller => 'version_extensions', :action => 'index' }, :caption => :label_version_field_of_application, :after => :activity end
If i test it in development, the patch doesn't work (diskfile_with_project_path is never executed). If i test it in production i get an "Application Error", even if I put the original code 1:1 in the patch. Does someone has an idea, why it doesn't work ?
Thank you in advance,
Dirk König
Replies (1)
RE: Attachment Model Patch doesn't work
Added by vik pro almost 13 years ago
if make like that it work fine
def diskfile
path = "#{self.storage_path}/#{self.project.identifier}/#{self.disk_filename}"
path_dir = "#{self.storage_path}/#{self.project.identifier}"
Dir.mkdir(path_dir) unless
I put it directly in attachment.rb it work. make folder with project_ID for each projects. And files not storage anymore in one locate.