


Request: "Clean" out the issues on

Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago

Request: Pre-1.0 have a commit-freeze where the devs go through the literally thousands of issues here and make decisions on implementability and general worthiness of them all. Many of them seem to be either duplicates, or entirely invalid.

I think this will go a long way to help ourselves, and future contributors.


Replies (2)

RE: Request: "Clean" out the issues on - Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago

Great idea. What dates do you think would work? We'll probably need a few weeks for the 1.0 feature freeze and this would need to be done before the freeze.

I'd also like to do a mini BugMash and try to get a bunch of the patches updated/applied and some minor bugs fixed. Still need to plan it out though.

Eric Davis

RE: Request: "Clean" out the issues on - Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago

Well the roadmap points to 1.0 due the First week of July.

How about
May 31 - June 4 is Cleanout week
June 7 - June 11 be bugmash
June 14 - June 18 is cooldown/normal
June 21 the feature freeze begins and lasts until 1.0 is complete

This way the bugmash is more easily focused, issue list gets cleaned out, and judging by the current roadmap, we currently have enough to to complete 1.0.
