


Costs Management

Added by Guillermo Gómez about 16 years ago

Hi all, we just started using redmine and we are very, very happy with it. :) Congrats !!!

This post is for asking about costs management in redmine so we can decide to try to extend it and include it or not.


Replies (2)

RE: Costs Management - Added by Shane Pearlman about 16 years ago

what exactly are you asking. We have developed a budget plugin that we will soon be releasing to the community - in qa right now.

RE: Costs Management - Added by Guillermo Gómez about 16 years ago

What we would like to achieve is a per-project per-human-resource cost tracking in order to bill a project as it progress (or just keep costs under control).

Example, certain person has a higher cost per hour than others (managers, engineers, technicias, admin support people, etc). How much did we spend in $ per human involvement in our project? So there should be a $ cost per hour per person somewhere to achieve this. Of course we can take the data from redmine an do a calculation from it.

