Add Attachment to Issue in a script
Added by James Hardy almost 15 years ago
First of all, while I do a lot of programming, I don't really know ruby, so please excuse any stupid questions I may ask.
I am attempting to get an external application to create issues automatically. The way I am currently doing this is so get the data into XML and parse this in a ruby script running with the script/runner utility. This works fine.
What I am now trying to do is to add attachments to the issue. The files are accessed via HTTP and I can get these as a temp file on the same machine that redmine is running on easily enough, however what I can't work out how to do is how to import this file into redmine and attached to the issue. Can anyone help?
Replies (2)
RE: Add Attachment to Issue in a script - Solution
Added by James Hardy over 14 years ago
Answering my own question in case anyone finds this in a search.
The key issue is that Redmine expects that files will be uploaded and therefore expects they will use rails uploaded temp file container (ActionController::UploadedTempfile)
With a litte googling, I found this post:
which enabled me to write the following code snippet:
#Parse URL
#Get URL and retrieve data
Net::HTTP.start(, attachment_uri.port) do |attHttp|
req =
req.basic_auth url.user, url.password #I need this because it is password protected, not needed if yours isn't
resp = attHttp.request(req)
#Now create the fake uploaded file
attachment_file =
attachment_file.original_path = original_filename
attachment_file.content_type = resp.content_type
#Create attachment with the uploaded file and other settings defined earlier
:container => new_issue, #Issue object defined earlier
:file => attachment_file,
:description => attachment_desc,
:author => reporter #User object defined earlier
Hope this helps someone
RE: Add Attachment to Issue in a script
Added by ChihKuo Hu over 3 years ago
Nice post, solved my problem, thanks