


Hyperlinks and composite attributes

Added by Michalis Miatidis about 14 years ago


I would like to propose 2 features. As I am not sure whether they overlap with existing stuff, I start from here to take a confirmation that they deserve to be issued tickets.

  • I could not find a way to create custom fields of type hyperlink. Actually, text fields with automated hyperlink highlighting would suffice.
  • I think it would make sense to support the encapsulation of various field values into single fields that play the role of loose objects. For example, I use Redmine to keep track of the milestones of a single project. Each ticket issued is usually related to a specific customer. Thus, I have a custom field of type List that comprises the names of the different customers. It would really help me if I could keep additional information for each one of these customers that I would access with a single click.

A possible scenario for the above would be as follows:

  1. Create a custom type with name "Customer". This type allows to add or remove custom fields of basic existing types (for the sake of simplicity).
  2. I would add information of interest, for example Hardware Version, Software Version, DBMS Type, Remote Access Information, Contact Email etc.
  3. One of the above basic fields would be marked as default. That would denote the Display Value for the composite field.
  4. Then, I would be able to assign custom fields of the above type to projects. Such a field would render a combo-box with all the available customers listed through their display values.
  5. Next to the customer combo-box, two buttons would appear: a button view that would bring up a property viewer for the basic fields of that attribute. A user with appropriate rights, would be able to add or edit customers.
